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Is This Better Than Dying Alone?

2 Views • 12/18/20
20 Subscribers

Intro: 0:00 <br> <br>Show Starts ?: 15:12 <br> <br>Candle ? and Fragrance of the Evening: 18:32 <br> <br>The Godfather speaks on his appearance on Clubhouse: 20:39 <br>The Godfather's monologue/speaks on &quot;dying alone&quot;/reviews his clubhouse discussion: 22:25 <br>The Godfather unleashes the Panda Bear ??? (again): 26:27 <br> <br>Money World ????: 1:30:01 <br> <br>First Caller: 1:35:05 31y/o woman says The Godfather is giving women a reality check! Despite his &quot;critics&quot;! <br> <br>Second Caller: 1:37:57 33y/o woman says it's not Black Women's fault they are single! Says The Godfather blames Black women?! <br>The Godfather investigates! ? &quot;Gang Goofy?&quot; ? <br> <br>Third Caller: 1:49:20 says all the High Earning men she's dated have &quot;issues&quot;. The Godfather investigates?. <br> <br>Fourth Caller: 1:54:39 single mother calls in to disagree?! says men want women with children?! Talked to 2,000 men?!?? <br> <br>Fifth Caller: 2:00:02 Married woman says she finds The Godfather's content offensive because...She's Fat?! ? Ends in Taps! ?? Call of the Night? ? <br> <br>Sixth Caller: 2:05:21 41y/o Single mother of 4 kids says she's too picky with men?! Says she didn't come to her senses until her 4th child? <br> ? <br> <br>Seventh Caller: 2:19:44 36y/o woman says &quot;dying alone&quot; seems extreme, doesn't desire marriage but wants companionship?? <br> <br>Eight Caller: 2:29:19 18y/o asks The Godfather about dating. <br> <br>Ninth Caller: 2:32:31 25y/o woman calls in to disagree with The Godfather on facts/stats regarding higher education Black Women and Marriages?! <br> <br>Tenth Caller: 2:39:07 37y/o Baby Momma of 2 kids with 2 different fathers??? says Black Men need to be accountable and step to her correct?! <br> ?? Says she doesn't care about her baby daddies accountability????‍♂️ Call of the Night?! ? <br> <br>Eleventh Caller: 2:48:50 25y/o woman argues everyone dies alone because men die before women??!! Ends in taps!?? <br> <br>The Godfather Summarizes the show/Previews future shows: 2:53:06

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