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Is This Why Modern Women Are Afraid To Shoot Their Shot In 2022?
• 05/13/22
213 Subscribers
Is This Why Modern Women Are Afraid To Shoot Their Shot In 2022? Why are modern women afraid to make the first move? <br> <br>#TikTok #LifeLesson #Friday13th
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3 years ago
Women that approach like this do so with the vibe of, "Your Queen deigns to speak with you so anything less than worshipful gratitude means you're probably gay"
It's ham-handed, unfeminine, entitled and very off putting. Women are absolutely clueless when it comes to seducing men because they are so used to torrents of attention from simps online and in real life. Then they enter the orbit of a high quality man and their game consists of, "I has pu$$y, yoo wan fuck?" It just get's pumped and dumped.
3 years ago
Should've just maintained eye contact while he rolled up his window.
3 years ago
3 years ago
What a cringe way to approach guy. They are both low class, to be sure. You can tell my their speech patterns and inflection.
Any man talking like that would be arrested for harassment. god... if you are not over 6', then she is jist making an exception, for you.
Imagine giving your Best for something other men got for free.
3 years ago
3 years ago
god what a crazy looking bitch
3 years ago
Woman asking me out: What's your sign?