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It's Inevitable That Feminists Will Win? - MGTOW

419 Views • 02/14/22
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The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

The Dead Internet Theory

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation because well I didn't get one. If you want to send a donation and topic links are in the description. I chalk up not getting as many request topics lately with levels of traffic I haven't seen since the fall of 2014 on YouTube to censorship. When I didn't even have ten thousand subscribers and now I have almost 200 thousand of them. Recently I was watching a video called "The Dead Internet Theory" which I've linked to in the description. It talks about how the internet is dead creatively and artistically and people aren't creating their own websites anymore and everything is centralized around just ten main apps. The Internet has become normie net and all of the policing and control from back in the day in the real world like when mothers tried banning rap music and rock music is being brought to bare down on it. Add to this that it's inevitable that women will make up the majority of politicians in the west in the next ten to twenty years meaning that it's all but inevitable that they will shut down centralized freedom of speech on alt tech platforms and it means it will be impossible to reach new men with the red pill message. Instead of fighting and winning the culture war we need to start thinking about how to preserve what we can on our own hard drives and printed books and media because it will be lost online. Either through what few websites still have it being shut down by their owners or it being censored if it's on places like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. With regards to feminism winning it's inevitable that they will increase taxes on productive men and transfer wealth to themselves through money printing and mandating that 50% of all corporate boards have to be women. By forcing women to take men's income through quotas and men's savings through money printing. Men are smartening up fast and buying up assets but you'll get screwed over that way too once women figure out you're trying to hide from their hijinx. Right now they are toying with a 1% property tax surtax on houses that are worth more than two million dollars in Canada. This would be on top of the existing taxes. There would be a 0.2% surtax on the 1.3 million dollar house that I grew up in would be an extra $2600 dollars year in tax. This also means there would be an additional 15-20k a year in surcharge taxes for your Vancouver crack shack. Many people on fixed incomes wouldn't be able to afford to live there in their paid off small 2 or 3 bedroom home. This will break families up and a government study claims this and I quote: “Government could use revenue collected from the surtax to provide benefits to renters, such as portable housing benefits,” So they are effectively doing this to raise money to help subsidize housing for the poor. Mostly women and minorities. They want to make us all poor by 2030 just in time for the bug feast. With inflation running at ten to twenty percent they will also go after unrealized capital gains taxes at some point. If you want to know how you can try and win against current gynocentric and future feminist governments hell bent on making you poor I'll you in a moment. But first let me share today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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16 Comments sort Sort By

3 years ago

A possible solution or measure to be safe would be to practice minimalism. That way, the less you have, the less they will take from you.
Though governments always find a way to plunder your last penny...

3 years ago

DWAC, Trump Media Group coming soon.

3 years ago

I guess I've become one of many accounts that has been suspended (or terminated) by (((SueTube))), again. Sixth time's a charm(?).

3 years ago

But, the barbarians are coming just like when empires all fall. Women become property once again. There almost at the gates as we speak.

3 years ago

True, but remember— at that time so are men culled. Men are the pillars of society. As such a threat to an invading culture; females taken as property and males culled or turned into slaves.

3 years ago

There is a thing to be said about an enabler.

3 years ago

The first and only issue with excess taxation is that said policy does not produce revenue. Diminishing returns are a thing with taxes a tax rate of 0% and 100% have one thing in common. They produce zero revenue.

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