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It's Over! South Africa is F*&$d - Failed State
Go to and use code serpentza to get 83% off a 2 year plan plus 3 extra months for free! <br> <br>South Africa can never recover... <br> <br>Join me for the China Show, a weekly dive into what's happening in China: <br> <br>And don't forget my secret Monday Show: <br> <br> <br>Background footage used: Zombieland Johannesburg | South Africa | Kensington of Africa <br> <br> <br>Video where I talked to the South African woman: <br> <br>Support Sasha and I on Patreon: <br>Bitcoin - bc1qxfjp2t6x5dpslv59u0jl89m6k643hcn8h2jsvp <br>Ethereum - 0x6Da150a2A8529110017Ed4db68B3dF0084900280 <br>Paypal: <br> <br>DOCUMENTARY LINKS: <br> <br>Conquering China Boxset SPECIAL: <br> <br> <br>Conquering Southern China: <br> <br> <br>Conquering Northern China: <br> <br> <br>Stay Awesome China (my new documentary): <br> <br>For Motorcycle adventures around the world, and a talk-show on two wheels go to ADVChina every Monday 1pm EST <br> <br> <br>For a realistic perspective on China and world travel from an American father and a Chinese mother with two half-Chinese daughters go to Laowhy86 every Wednesday 1pm EST <br> <br> <br>For a no-nonsense on the street look at Chinese culture and beyond from China's original YouTuber, join SerpentZA on Friday at 1pm EST <br> <br> <br>Join me on Facebook: <br>Twitter: @serpentza <br>Instagram: serpent_za
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2 years ago
Well the blacks declared the whites to be arseholes - ran them out of the country and because most of the blacks are idiots, they can't tell shit from clay, so all the oppressed idiots turned the place into a gigantic shit hole and they are raiding the last of the white farming families into death and destitution....
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist.... Not a great liberator.