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It sure didn't take long for the RAF to decide women aren't cutting it.

191 Views • 09/27/22
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The Daily Wire Giveaway status: We're currently in 1st place. Promotion ends November 1st 2022. <br> <br>Let's build a men's retreat we can win 250K- Winner takes all! Help us win the giveaway with a subscription to Daily Wire or a razor purchase - with Jordan Peterson, Gina Carano, Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro with the link below. <br>ALL FUNDING will be used towards a men's retreat in Tennessee (Central US). Not only will you support a non-woke company AND get great razors or a sub to excellent news, but you can help in funding this amazing retreat. Referral link <br> <br>Razor order - 10 pts <br>Subscription to Daily Wire - 20 pts <br>Yearly Sub or Upgrade to yearly - 20 pts <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see all the same content you get here on YT. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>Try a month as a supporter for free on me! Use promo code JOKERSWILD <br> <br>To Support Via Paypal: <br> <br>or <br> <br> <br>Bitcoin Donations - 3DrBGxPH7Ho4dQqx8qxBhZXZwArPN82fTU <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel <br>Instagram: The_Unknown_Adventure <br>

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7 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Joker, if you haven't, check out Animal Farm, you can even listen to a reading of it on YT for free (it's about 3-4 hours). The language and political games will make so much more sense if you do.

erick rendoza
erick rendoza
2 years ago

Germany the female spies from france/uk where put in insinerators alive. Seen photos of where the s.s. did this look at the 15000 people in poland they executed a day only 6 escaped from that death camp today there are trees the germans covered it all up bulldozed it flat after done.

2 years ago

The RAF saved britain in WW2, even Women played their part well in the radar and com's rooms with the tracking and stuff. They worked perfectly together with the MEN. Because they knew their place. Some women were even able to fly and deliver planes to where they were needed on British Airfields. to me they are hero's, but I bet you any money you like they took on the task not because they were women but because they had a sense of DUTY. Can you imagine any of today's women even understanding the word DUTY?

2 years ago

"Dooty? That's shit right? What are you saying women re full of shit? You misogynists!" thinks the average NPC, err woman I mean.

2 years ago

Over the last few years with all this anti MAN, anti white stuff I will back off of anything, OK fine by me! lol!" but just you dare to approach me when I'm needed" because I wont be home. If as a MAN I'm pushed or insulted out of something I will find myself an alternative that benefits ME or MEN alone. Women cant ride a bike even on preowned bu a FISH, but to let them loose on fighter Jet's? JEEEZZZZ!!!!, Making tea in the Mess is OK but nothing that will endanger the contry or MEN in particular should and looks like it HAS been ruled out! lol!

2 years ago

The RAF probably realized women would just end up crashing their multi-million dollar fighter jets.

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