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3 years ago
Interesting. I talked to Boomer lawyer who thought Trump was the Insurrection. He tried to go into the vaxx thing, but I cut him off fast stating I was a Biologist with two STEM degrees. He then asked from where: I told him. I know vaccines having learned from one of the international giants, for the record I learned basic d epidemicology from another international giant. We should talk bro. Keeper mentioned you were into Ancient Mysteries like Atlantis. You should watch my Everything Is Connected series. I will be posting it as soon as I figure out how to record my screen with sound or buy new software for win10.
3 years ago
3 years ago
So much more grateful for my late, based father (veteran of the WW II, Burma/China Theatre), who looked out for us as kids back in the '60s. Of course, my mother had no clue, since she didn't know her father as a child, she couldn't appreciate the kind of husband she had, but my 5 siblings and I to this day, know what kind of father WE had.