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James Lindsay Discusses How We Are Entering Into A Digital Dark Age

46 Views • 08/28/22
93 Subscribers

Buy Now &quot;Only Ever Wanted&quot; <br> <br>Guest: James Lindsay <br>@conceptualjames (Truth Social, Instagram) <br> <br> <br>Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At <br> <br>Merch - <br> <br>Hosts: <br>Tim @Timcast (everywhere) <br>Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere) <br>Lydia @sourpatchlyds (Twitter), <br>Hannah Claire @hannahclaire.b (Instagram) <br> <br>Podcast available on all podcast platforms!

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3 years ago

With the DATA side of collection, it DOES sound like Alien's gathering human knowledge to be come Human or their version of human. I mean this shithole is so fucked up and weird today even aliens is on my frame as well as Simulation and Multiverses! lol!

3 years ago

As an after though, remember all this turn to TECH for everything could be a deliberate act, and it won't be Solar Flares that turn it off, THEY will turn it off and leave a massive zombie VOID. The only people with brain's will be those who stayed in the Natural world! I kind of suspect this is what WILL happen.

3 years ago

With knowledge remember that it's only just over 100 years since man learned to fly (Excluding the Balloon from that. All this NET ZERO and elecrtic EV's and shit is just waiting to be the NEXT big "FAILURE" because it will be! Run it all as an alternative or Option to ICE's it would probably work, but this total quick change I tell you now WILL be a massive failure and mistake, possibly the biggest one human's will ever make?

If we cant afford the EV, then a bicycle or a donkey will do or even walking if humans are not so fucking fat by then they cant move! lol! I foresee a return to the Local Village rather than this failed Global Village. We wont have or want the need to travel far anyway's. and without the internet people could start to live again, well the individual anyway's? They talk about Sustainability, but that in today's iverted world means in reality it is preloaded for failure so they can control, but control what may I ask?

If they do turn us all into brain dead Zombies where's the fun in control there? There will always be resistance as history show's and far from control they will have to spend god knows what just fighting nether lone controlling us? but let's remember we are talking about psychotic's here, and even they have their Mental limit before they break completely! (And they WILL).

3 years ago

After the SHTF the government may have all the Tech, but in the time it takes to press that little button on it you could blow it's brains out or knife it in the back of the head. where's their TECH then? lol! i personally on purpose am gradually getting my life back to the 1950's when I was born. With the Crisis in energy prices and everything I'm prepping to get rid of the freezer and have tinned foods and potted meat's, I could also get rid of the fridge because my Grandparents only used an Enamel bread bin with water in it p-lace in the shade, I also only use UHT milk that can sit in a tetrapac for up to 3 years if kept at room temperature. I'm unpicking the LIE we have been sold stitch by stick and resewing it bespoke to fit my lifestyle. eventually the internet will be got rid of as well as I find it is getting far to MORONIC in many way's. currently i try to limit the use of it which is why you see 3 or four comments in a row from me.

3 years ago

Oh yes, the Digital Age will end, not in ouyr lifetimes though. It relies on to many outside factor's to be permanent. And it is susceptible to the slightest change in Nature, such as Solar Flare's and weather temperature especially if it wasn't Computer's wouldn't need Fan's. I'm a bit of a technophobe in the sense IO have very little use for it, I know how it works and how in some cases to fix it, Hell this very PC I type on was a junker out of a Dumpster I got going and running perfect. Cost me nothing other than a little knowledge. My Nickname is Mr Fix It or Mr Make do and Mend! lol! but I don't have or need a smartphone, I have a massive Reference book collection on many subjects from recipe's to how a steam Engine works!. I repair everything I get from a dumpster and sell it on because I have no reqal use for tech. I do this deliberately so I don't become enslaved by it which is what I believe is happening or WILL happen with time. as the TECH gets cleverer the human Element is getting fucking dumber because of the lack of the NEED to know stuff, because a machine does it all for you.

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