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Jews, Feminism and White Genocide | Black Pill

123 Views • 03/11/22

⁣Are Zionist Jews solely responsible for replacement of white Europeans or do white cucks and sluts have more to do with it?

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3 years ago

Black pill gangster huh? I like it bro. To truly understand, you have to notice infiltrators in plain sight. Let me explain a little: There are three types of Jews. Both Fire and Brimstone Old Testament God of Israel and Joshua Kristos (Jesus Christ-- Old Testament God of Israel in Cosplay) warned us repeatedly of the Synagogue of Satan hiding along side the "Chosen Jews" to corrupt them. These are the "Satanists" who are the Globalists, the "Illumnati," the Jews who funded pornography-- hinting on that he who controls the pussy controls the nation theme you mentioned, and the "Jew Media" Elites. You are not wrong with your Jew complaints about them. Briefly, there are the Satainnic Jews, the Moderates think useful idiots, and the orthodox Jews think fire and Brimstone Law abiding Jews of Old Testament. and Lest you forget, the First Christians were all Jew, the Twelve Apostles, Mary Magdalene, the Thirteenth Apostle- Judas' replacement, and James the Brother of Jesus who led Christianity for a time too., well a branch of early Christianity

Then, there are the moderates: These dumbfucks who believe they are automatically saved or Chosen because they are from the "Loins of Abraham (or Isaac, or Jacob, who is "Israel," He Who Struggled With God (El or El Elohim.))" It is not that simple. However, they might read the Talmud or Talmod, which is lies meant to deceive and corrupt the "Jew:" It was written by scared fucks at the Mount of Sinai, who willingly killed their comrades who believed the same "theological things" they carried from Egyptian-- a couple of Hundred Years is a longtime to pick up bad habits from a host nation. Now, why is the Talmod so evil? When Christ walked among the Jews he was asking them whose laws are they following? They were not following Moses' Laws handed down by God of Israel "El." Read the Gospels he literally says this. What the First Century (C.) A.D. Jews were following Egypt's corrupt ways possibly mixed with Babylonian "Star Magic" rebranded Qabala with variations of spellings. The codexes within the Talmod allows Jews to rape little kids (way before sexual maturation) and does not consider it "adultery." It has written "ways around" Moses' Ten Commandments and how to use usually the Gentiles to do their deeds or goals so that all the "Spiritual Backlash" goes on the Gentiles. Basically, it's like Karma but way worst as God El or Christ will judge your ass severely when you are judged after death.

Finally, there are the orthodox Jews. The baby factories having I believe TFM mentioned on average seven kids... These are the strict Bible (Torah) reading and obeying Jews. I mean Jacob=Israel had twelve sons with two wives and a number of daughters, but we only count the Twelve Sons as the Twelve Tribes... Two of them are lost or disappeared from the conquest of Judea when Israel had the bright idea of splitting its kingdom. I suspect those lost tribes mingled with German Gypsies or perhaps some English stock or Perhaps France too... though Ethiopia is not out of the question,. In fact the Jewish communities in Ethiopia preserved the "Forbidden texts" banned from the Bible from Roman courting early Christians after they penned the Nicaean Creed under Constantine and I believe an independent researcher found the remains of the Ark of Convenient there...

Well, I was about to go into much detail about Israelites and Egypt and mention Atlantis and Egypt and how these events are coneected, but it was like two pages of texts. I am about to release a video on how all of this is connected... Let me know and I could add the rest...

3 years ago

Europe has been a blood bath for over two thousand years. Kings killing all thier poeple. Even the English killed off 3 million Irish...

3 years ago

struggle for resources


3 years ago

A lot of that mass murder was to force convert millions of Pagans to Christianity. Crypto-Jews used the Churches as camouflage to extract resources and taxes from the Gentiles. I have no doubt that the English killed 3 million Irish but, we don't know the backstory to that. We have to be prepared for a finding that shows it had to be done. Sort of like this Jewkraine War going on. All we here is the Ukraine Is A Victime of Russian Aggression propaganda. It takes very little digging to show how Russia has warned ZOG-NATO about infiltrating Ukraine to move NATO forces up to the Russian border. Russia had also warned Kiev repeatly about the constant shelling and bombing of the Donbas region where a solid Russian majority lived. Does the JEW MEDIA even hint and ***WHY*** Russia finally invaded??? OF COURSE NOT. It's not in the Jewish interest to do so and the American Sheeple are too easily led to believe whatever they see on the Electric Jew.

3 years ago

TIME FOR MASS DEPORTATIONS to send everyone back to their own countries.. Trump talked the right talk and should have followed through. Our govt will do what they want to do.. if they wanted these foreign born deported they would do it but we Americans are not rep[resented.. and they have half of us backwards where we don't even know what is right.. but I do and so do many people in America.. The socalled jews are just arabic / white mixed people who do not want anyone to be better than them .. The world should want to protect the white race as it sure looks like the white people have all the answers.. imo.. and arabic white mixed unfortunately cannot even build a bridge.. ahem miami.

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

Another fantastic video, thanks for posting brother!

3 years ago

This video was from 2017. Since I figured that Amr set this up as a mirror account, I asked him to put this on from AltCensored and he did.

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