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Jews Vs Jewish | Israelites Vs Isrealis: [Who Are The True Children Of God?] Part #1 <br> <br> <br>[A TWO-PART SERIES] <br>A lot of controversies is going back and forth with Black Americans saying they are the true Jews of Holy Scripture, and we also have the Jewish people saying they are the true people of the Scriptures. Who’s right? <br> <br>Are the people currently in Jerusalem the true people of the Bible, the chosen children of God, or imposters? Or can the Blacks that have been scattered throughout the four corners of the earth, later being sold into slavery. Are they the true Jews or imposters? Who’s who? <br> <br>Precepts will prove who's telling the truth and who's lying. <br>Elder Michael Johnson, Hebraist, Precept Bible Teacher, Senior Pastor/Teacher for The Lost Sheep of Israel will be going through this study. <br> <br>[2 Corinthians 5:18; The Ministry of Reconciliation] <br> <br>
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2 years ago
Short answer: Those who keep His Commandments (Mk. 3:33-34).