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Joe Biden: “ Whites will be an ABSOLUTE minority in America - that’s a source of our strength."
• 05/24/21
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
Joe Biden: “ Whites will be an ABSOLUTE minority in America - that’s a source of our strength."
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4 years ago
My isp showed up to fix my net and said their company just got a lot of money from the govt to *fix* outlaying communities/counties i think this is going in a direction I see as control look at china cannot afford a cell phone you get a card for your bank/social credit score. As a prof i had in college said after 9/11 he was not talking about terror ists he talked about control... MARRY outside of the country to ESCAPE.
4 years ago
Yeah Biden is such a race traitor, Fuck em.
4 years ago
Nobody hates white people more then white liberals
Prove me wrong
4 years ago
that guy needs a dirt nap.
4 years ago
Wipe out your own race why don't you? Had to steal the election, no way your weak ass could have won on merit. Stolen elections have consequences.
4 years ago