
Dear Creators, we are proud to announce an amazing affiliate program for you to earn some serious and continual cash. Read about our affiliate progarm here.

Caros criadores, temos o orgulho de anunciar um incrível programa de afiliados para vocês ganharem muito dinheiro de forma contínua. Leia sobre nosso programa de afiliados aqui.

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Just Commit!

23 Views • 05/23/20
Mustapha Mond
Mustapha Mond
3 Subscribers

Expand what you want and who you want to be. Choose something to pursue and commit to it. Commitment is what drives us forward and allows us to appreciate where we have come from.

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5 years ago

Losers lose and winners win. You just have to decide which one you are going to be. This is America! People come here with literally the clothes they wear and become millionaires. People also come here and suck off the system. There should be a $ amount that you have to reach after 5 years and if you don't pack your shit and GTFO..

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