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@Kevin Samuels Is Gay

2 Views • 09/23/21
20 Subscribers

Pinned by Kevin Samuels <br>Deshawn <br> <br> <br>1 day ago <br>31 subscribers <br>ExcitedKissDaRing Time Stamps ExcitedKissDaRing <br> <br> <br> Introduction <br>Introduction 00:00 <br>15:37 Opening song, Good lies by Vividry <br>19:52 Fragrance of the evening Kilian Dark lord, candle of the evening Tom ford F*(king Fabulous <br>24:18 Who is Kevin really? <br>26:24 Get the likes up theme song <br>27:38 Address the elephant in the room <br>30:00 Kevin says that he is... <br>39:49 Why do women attack a man's masculinity when they can't get what they want? <br>49:50 MTR video shoutout <br>57:40 This is about competition for attention, this is about power <br>1:08:57 Kiss the ring break song <br>1:11:55 back to the show <br>1:17:40 Change terrifies people <br>1:21:47 1st Caller Jordan age 29 <br>1:28:00 How you dress and present yourself says a lot about you <br>1:34:00 2nd Caller T age 27 <br>1:42:18 3rd Caller Jeneen age Did not say age <br>1:52:15 4th Caller No name or age <br>2:00:00 5th Caller No name age 43 <br>2:14:20 6th Caller Sarel age 40 <br>2:35:48 7th Caller Neffi age 30 <br>2:42:20 8th Caller Mariah age 26 <br>2:45:30 Final words <br>2:51:40 Ending song

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