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Kid HUMBLES Delusional Woman Expecting Guys To Come To The Rescue
• 05/25/23
181 Subscribers
How to Spot: #Analysis #Reaction #React <br>How are things looking out there in your area of the world going forward? <br>Breakdown <br>Emily Ratajkowski Mia Khalifa Khalifah
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2 years ago
No way would I call a friend at 3 AM for a Jump Start!!! Call s freakin' Tow Truck Company.
2 years ago
2 years ago
What the fuck are we doing here? Us “MGTOW” men are wasting our time and lives watching petty reactionary commentary to even pettier woke zoomer bullshit. If this is somehow entertaining to you, you must be new here. Otherwise this formulaic format where every single damn comment can be predicted with stunning accuracy to the point that one does not even need to watch is purely pathetic and unintelligent. Up the quality of content and stop wasting everyone’s time. Guys you’re literally better off just watching porn in place of every crappy Mgtow video out there. What’s the point? If you’re trying to learn about female nature now, what were you doing from birth until now where you seemingly missed all the real world data in your life? I know, you have no life beyond the internet. That’s usual now a days. Well I wish you luck in your quest for no pussy. But we all know you don’t need luck.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
This moron cock hopper fucked up badly in her first line.
It's her car, and she cannot fix it.
So she then goes and leans on all the men she knows, at 3 AM - to come and fix her car for her...
They all told her to fuck off and so he gets even more pissy, selfish and ungrateful...
Does she go spend up on a workshop manual and enroll in a how to fix your car school, and spend up on a small tool kit....
She gets on Tick Thot and makes a video, calling all the men she knew and all other men by assocation, cunts because they refused to drop what ever they were doing at "3 fucking am" and to come from where ever they are, to where ever she is, and fix her car for her.....
AND not only is this useless, lazy, lying cunt - fucking useless and selfish and self centered, how come she does not have the cash to pay for a 24 hour mechanic service to come and get it going or how come she just can't stay there the night, or how come she can't catch an UBER or get her fucking car towed?
And this piece of cock hopping shit is calling all the men useless.
Fuck her.
"It's your car, You fix it".
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Ahhh, she's from Ohio... Ohioan women used to marriage material-- er the nonAmish type... NOT ANYMORE! Thanks for the Public Service Announcement!
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago