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Kill the Sheep and the globalists! Or, kill the globalists to save the sheep! Are sheep salvageable?

61 Views • 04/07/22

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First Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "I feel a bit sick".
Second Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "I feel sick".
Third Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "I feel very ill".
Fourth Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "I am in intensive care".
Fifth Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "I am on life support".
Sixth Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "They say the embalming fluid will help".
Seventh Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - "This box bed is very cosy".


   4    0

2 years ago

You have to go way back to the ancient idea of the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate was how the gods choose a superior man to be king. NOT for his own aggrandizement but because it is his DUTY to foster virtue, protect his subjects from enemies both within and without, and collect taxes for the upkeep of the kingdom. Taxes collected for the benefit of the people, State, and the King is good. If the king demonstrates virtue, cultivates a moral citizenry, and builds infrastructure where all may benefit, his rule is protected by the Mandate Of Heaven.

The masses will always be like sheep and they ought not be punished or be taken advantage of. If the sheep are playing by the rules and their labors bring forth good fruit, then they deserve protection. That includes detecting aliens and interlopers and they must be expelled or enslaved or executed.

JEWS are the children of Satan and they exploit the Sheeple just for pleasure. JEWS are OBLIGATED to make mass sacrifices of the Gentiles to Satan and (((THEY))) wholeheartedly endorse it. WHY? To earn the Devil's protection and to grow the Devil's kingdom on Earth. Not all sacrifices are equal to the JEWS. Sacrifice of Whites gives (((THEM))) more power than to sacrifice Negroes or other mud races. WHY? The White Man has the partial DNA of the Gods and that means Whitey is the ancient enemy of the Devil's children: the JEWS. BTW, some Jews are crypto-Jews and hide in churches like the Roman Catholics, the Jesuits, and liberal Protestant churches. There is a growing crypto-Jew contingent hiding inside the MORMON CHURCH in Salt Lake City. The LDS is a late-comer when it comes to hiding Jews within its leadership ranks. But, the church has been stinking of Jewish encroachment ever since 1978 when President Kimball stupidly opened up the church to Negroes and the brown races. He poisoned the LDS church just as Popes John XXIII and Paul VI poisoned the Roman Catholic church.

3 years ago

brave cos she went out????????????? PMSL


Lick that vag = swallowing the nanopartical spikes = #dead meat too

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