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Lack Of Participation - Thomas Sheridan

23 Views • 03/27/22
190 Subscribers

He yakes a look at the out come of covid and lock dowens and wheither this lack of people wanting to partiucipate in stuff isd related to this. Yes! it has kind of effected me as well? BUT for me it's not a case of not being bothered, but a case of NOT lining pocket's of outlet'sa or events that took a harsh view on the public in Covid. Namely corporate assholes? I acvtually made alist over the last 2 years of stores and people I will never shop at or meet again, due to their shitty attitude or some negative impact they made on me? Kind of what this vid is about plus other bit's of interest.

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The bodies from the battle of Waterloo - Dead people go off (rotting) very quickly. They had no mass graving gear, refrigeration, bulk corpse transport, AND dead have good nutritional value for the pigs, and and fertiliser.

You may have heard this from a book I wrote, "From ashes, to ashes. From dust, to dust."

I made several references to dust to dust and ashes to ashes. Some include:

In the book of The Supreme Being Hanson - Genesis 3:19 the reference to ashes and dust reads, "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

From The Supreme Being Hanson - Genesis 2:7, "Then the Lord God formed a man[a] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

From The Supreme Being Hanson - Genesis 18:31, "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes..."

From The Supreme Being Hanson - Ecclesiastes 3:20, "All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return."

Really using up the dead bodies, is just pragmatic use of a good resource.

3 years ago

Good point about RESOURCEFULNESS . Also let's not forget the the Battler of Waterloo was the point many of our troubles of today started? The Rothschild's send a fake journalist to the Stock Exchange to say Napoleon had WON? So the idiots sold all their shares to Nathan Rothschild. Later that day the REAL: journalist turned up to say Wellington had WON. They then bought all their shares back at a vastly inflated rate from the Rothschild. This is how from that day on the Werstern World has done business and why we are in the Global SHIT we are in?

3 years ago

Good point about RESOURCEFULNESS . Also let's not forget the the Battler of Waterloo was the point many of our troubles of today started? The Rothschild's send a fake journalist to the Stock Exchange to say Napoleon had WON? So the idiots sold all their shares to Nathan Rothschild. Later that day the REAL: journalist turned up to say Wellington had WON. They then bought all their shares back at a vastly inflated rate from the Rothschild. This is how from that day on the Werstern World has done business and why we are in the Global SHIT we are in?


@mrghoster: In a time of injury = death, a mostly agricultural life meant that the cycles of life, from fucking, birth, death and decomposition were always close at hand. And the idea of wakes and funerals, unless it was really cold, they did not sit around for days on end, while the decomposing dead swelled up and burst like balloons. While the fresh dead were rotting, all of the family and friends, would be gathered, and the grave would be getting dug.

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