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Leftist Calls Out Elon, Says Centrist Billionaire Is Worst Kind Of Right-Winger Proving Insanity
• 12/05/22
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1 year ago
Liberals like Tim Pool got us into most of the current messes that we are currently in. I am referring to people like Tim Pool who seems like a reasonable enough guy. People like Tim Pool who a Trojan Horse for horse for everything that followed:
1) They started off saying that Gay people and Lesbians just want basic privacy rights and equal legal protections. Now LGBTQ+ is literally all over the place, boys are getting their dicks cut off and you can't exist on any major website without pretending to like them.
2) They said women just wanted equal opportunity. Now we are way passed the point where White Women, the ones who participated in all of America's injustices by sleeping with slave owners, kkk, segregationists etc demand and get preferential treatment and men are treated almost like "racists" but towards women for not agreeing with it. Every company that advertised that they were going to hire more women, like Google did with their Women In Tech movement knowingly violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which says you can't discriminate on the basis of race,sex or other protected characteristics. People like Tim Pool in the past marched with MLK Jr to help blacks get Civil Rights and then immediately violated the Civil Rights Act by hiring people solely on the basis of their gender.
3) They marched at UC Berkeley and got pepper sprayed in the face in order to get free speech and then started censoring their Conservative counterparts on college campuses.
Now people are talking about a Second US civil war. I live in California. If the US enters a 2nd civil war I'm going to have to drop everything, flee to Texas , show up to Texas dressed like a homeless person and try to convince them that I'm not a Liberal.