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Legit at all? West considers transferring confiscated Russian assets to Ukraine
‘It is extremely important to confiscate Russian assets and transfer them to Ukraine’, according to the president of the European Council. Russia has condemned such a move, citing a violation of existing international laws. Meanwhile, the EU is not the first to come up with the suggestion: the US Congress earlier approved a bill allowing the use of confiscated resources from Russians, to apparently assist Kiev.
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3 years ago
Just proves that the "Rule Of Law" is an empty propaganda phrase. The ZOG machine can make and break laws at will. Russia has to find a way to destroy the value of those paper assets. I guess by renouncing all obligations to them, since it is unlikely they will ever get them back. What good would it do Ukraine if those contracts are worthless? If Russia is a party to them and refuses to honor the obligations of the contracts, then they are effectively dead.
If we're talking about physical assets, I'd order them destroyed. Maybe Moscow will learn next time to not trust ZOG-U.S. banks and that Russia must find other ways to get income from its exports of oil.
Why doesn't Putin reindustrialize Russia and begin putting all that Russian oil and gas BACK INTO THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY? Restructure the Russian economy to be as vertically-integrated as possible and enhance trade with countries like Belarus and the newly liberated eastern Ukraine oblasts. CREATE DOMESTIC DEMAND for Russian goods and services! And TAX THE OLIGARCHS!!! Tax them until they scream and then take their yachts. Not ONE of them got rich by industry or helping to rebuild Russia. Not one. MAKE THEM PAY.