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Liberal Woman Hits The Wall Has a MELTDOWN That All Liberal Men Are NOT Masculine Enough
• 06/09/23
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2 years ago
Well Jeremy, considering uou're getting divorced, a barefoot and pregnant is a satisfied wife... Your loss ..
2 years ago
I refuse to pander to a women's needs anymore and that is ALL Women as they all eat from the same entitle Troth. I don't stop to help damsels in distress. If after 60+ years feminism hasn't taught these "Strong Independent Women" how to change a tire then stay stuck at the raodside until some SIMP Cuck comes along. You don't go calling me TOXIC and expect ME to help YOU? NEVER again. If anything is TOXIC it's TOXIC Femininity, the only problem with that is being "FEMININE" no longer exist's. The term "Pot calling the kettle black" springs to mind. Pewrsonally I have no need of or use for a WOMEN, so I avoid them and with my saved money and time go and enjoy my hobbies and interest's without interference from time wasting entities called fefails! lol!
2 years ago