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loss of sense of self
• 12/12/21
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3 years ago
You should be using women as you see fit. It should never be the other way around. I understand your point but you are a bit extreme. Every man wants a women lol
3 years ago
3 years ago
Pump & dump in the West is still a loser's game, IMHO. That is because the man is still operating in the oppressive feminist environment, could easily be accused of basically anything and his life will essentially be ruined while the woman will get away scot-free even if it's proven she was falsely accusing you. So yeah, go to the countries where prostitution is legal and pay upfront if you desire to get your dick wet. Otherwise, stay monk and forget all about the abhorrent western females which is not that hard to do, IMHO. Anyway, the financial independence beats all the pussy in the world combined, guaranteed! Talking from experience, BTW....
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Seeking Identity thru a Women will cost your Identity.