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loss of sense of self

66 Views • 12/12/21
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loss of sense of self

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3 years ago

You should be using women as you see fit. It should never be the other way around. I understand your point but you are a bit extreme. Every man wants a women lol

3 years ago

Right but the west is a gynocentric order. You can't really operate correctly here anymore because the society doesn't back up the system of patriarchy. In fact women in the US are basically community property financed by the government with money robbed from productive men by force. Women have the power to take your property and your freedom at the drop of a hat. A lot of dudes who are in jail, there is a woman at the root cause of what led them there. Opt out of this paradigm and leave the west when it comes to women. Like Amr says, in the west, monk mode. The women here aren't even feminine they are miserable to deal with.

3 years ago

Pump & dump in the West is still a loser's game, IMHO. That is because the man is still operating in the oppressive feminist environment, could easily be accused of basically anything and his life will essentially be ruined while the woman will get away scot-free even if it's proven she was falsely accusing you. So yeah, go to the countries where prostitution is legal and pay upfront if you desire to get your dick wet. Otherwise, stay monk and forget all about the abhorrent western females which is not that hard to do, IMHO. Anyway, the financial independence beats all the pussy in the world combined, guaranteed! Talking from experience, BTW....

3 years ago

Since the world is so screwed up, you have to start rejecting what countries offer you as a basket of goods or a package deal and start trying to use multiple countries to get what you are looking for, take the good from each country, leave the bad and reject the package deal they offer. Don't raise a family in the west unless you have to, get them out of there for their own good.

3 years ago

You are correct, or even if you don't want p4p it is still better to look for a wife overseas and while you are at it try to set up a second passport and a plan b type situation in another country to be adaptable and give yourself options for you and your potential children. Don't bring the women back to the west. I actually think that prostitution will be legalized in the United States soon, and this will be a bellwether that indicates this sick paradigm is about to collapse. I'm tired of women in the west being literal whores and playing this game of pretend marketing terms like they are not. I don't know if prostitution is a good thing or not but in this scenario I think it needs to be legalized in the west so these whores can be condemned for what they really are, whores. I'm tired of these whores acting like they should be considered marriage material when they have sold their body to 10000 men.

3 years ago

Seeking Identity thru a Women will cost your Identity.

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