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Lost In Time
• 06/04/23
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2 years ago
Your future is in YOUR mind. Start small with having something to do when you wake the following morning. Don't rely on planning ahead if it involves other's they are unrelable. Should you need to involve other's then Be stoic by using "Negative Visualization". Negative Visualization is actually a Possitve way of living. You find alternative plans and have them ready should your plan go tits up. Example "a MAN example" because women cant do this or rarely"! lol!. You need to do a small job on you car. so plan a stratagy for the work. Then use Negative visualization this way. Maybe you will need a part or tow, maybe not? so you plan and find where to get a part should you need it and also plan how to travel to get the part. If the work doean't need say anymore than a clean or service of a part then that is a VICTORY for YOU. However should you need the PART to replace then you know where to get it and how to get it, what it will cost etc. But don't actually by the part before hand as you will be wasting money on something you don't need. but you have info as to what to do as an alternative. today the future is is NOT what it used to be, Today the future is a "Bite sized" element to your life. Play that game one day at a time nad use Stoicism to do that. No stress, no expectation. A fail is a fail so try again. A Victory is a Vuictory and something to be pleased about. This way you are ALWAYS one step ahead of all the rest.