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Lunatic jewish supremacist advocated-and-condoned Anti-White workplace violence Caltrans District3

27 Views • 10/09/22
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https://www.bitchute(dot)⁣com/video/YHAePw8TlalE/ ***TURN THE VOLUME WAY UP AND LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY AT THE :59 - 1:02 MINUTE MARK OF THE VIDEO when the short-statured middle-aged mestizo California Department of Transportation aka Caltrans District 3 Cook JOSEPH SCHWAB (father obviously White and mother Aztec, based on the White last name), responds in utter shock and disbelief towards his violent co-worker fellow cook, KINZIE D'BRAV DAVIS date-of-birth 05/15/1992 Age 30 (seen in the video) with &quot;That's a good way to loose your fuckin' job, Bro!!&quot; <br>This is verbalized by Schwab, immediately concerned for his own general safety and reputation at that point, from his co-worker fellow cook, right after Schwab's co-worker cook violently slams shut an INDUSTRIAL-GRADE 15-FOOT METAL AWNING in the face of a former Caltrans District 3 HIghway Maintenance Worker, not seen in the video whatsoever. <br>This large, heavy metal awning was also mischeivously-downplayed and maliciously-downgraded as a &quot;kitchen window&quot; by Caltrans District 3 Deputy Director SUSAN LYNN REHERMANN-ELKINS, OF MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA to put a deliberate SMOKESCREEN in front of D'BRAV-DAVIS' visceral, brute workplace violence, wholly endorsed by lunatic Anti-White jewish supremacists with the California State Attorney Generals Office aka California Department of Justice! <br>The malicious &quot;slamming shut&quot; of this metal awning by this same violent psychologically-challenged Caltrans District 3 Cook was also done right after his verbal assault of the Former Caltrans Employee with &quot;Get the fuck out of here!!&quot;, and also right after MALICIOUSLY **DENYING SERVICE** TO THE FORMER CALTRANS EMPLOYEE REQUIRED BREAKFAST SERVICE AT A STATE-SANCTIONED AND OPERATED CAFETERIA!! <br>TRAGICALLY, TO THIS VERY DAY: This mentally-unstable, unsafe, violence-inclined Caltrans District 3 Cook, KINZIE D'BRAV DAVIS date-of-birth 05/15/1992, Age 30, is totally advocated for and condoned by ZOG. His premeditated malicious perjurious statements, malicious misinterpretation libelous statements and KNOWN-IN-ADVANCE FREQUENT PERVERTED EMBELLISHMENT are totally and brazenly accepted as &quot;reasonable fact&quot; by a mentally disturbed lunatic jewish supremacist squad of satanic scum at the California Department of Justice aka California Attorney General's Office. <br>His Anti-White workplace violence and overall psychological instability goes COMPLETELY AND DEFIANTLY UNACCOUNTED FOR. To this very day: He still has his job, state-subsidized Caltrans dormitory housing, and is REWARDED IMMENSELY by ZOG for lying to the full jewish supremacist extreme &quot;Anti-White Cancel Culture&quot; maximum. <br>Go ahead.....KEEP LYING away for ZOG and keep at it with the jewish supremacist lies after lies after lies! &quot;As long as my lies are incorporated into fragments of past legitimate, objective conversations, then ZOG always has me covered 666-percent, and I can NEVER be charged with all-out perjury, because I am utilizing a foundation of hastily-assembled legitimate fragments of past conversation woven with my own lies, LOL!&quot; &quot;Let my lying go.....&quot; <br>&quot;OY VEY: Shut this goy up already: He knows too much and is properly informing the goyim public at-large and is angering our convicted-felon Anti-White mestizos!&quot; <br>&quot;OY: Have him arrested and thrown in jail with our other &quot;willing to lie under oath&quot; brown tattooed golem; That will show him not to mess with ZOG!&quot; <br>***CRITICAL TO NOTE: <br>This workplace-violent cook went to &quot;insane lunatic jewish supremacist degrees&quot; to justify HIS workplace violence by mining and plagarizing many quotes (heavily-coached and coerced by California-licensed attorneys DANIEL DENNIS O'SHEA and EMILY ROSE MAIA NAHAN KROTKI aka routinely-permitted fraudulent alias of &quot;Emily Nahan&quot; on all official California State Court Documents) from various White Nationalist Online Chat Forums and quotes from past episodes of various White Nationalist podcasts to &quot;frame&quot; and &quot;tarnish the image of&quot; the TRUE VICTIM of workplace violence and to detract from, suppress, and excuse HIS REAL ON-THE-CLOCK WORKPLACE VIOLENCE!!

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