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Lunatic jewish supremacist advocated-and-condoned Anti-White workplace violence Caltrans District3
https://www.bitchute(dot)com/video/YHAePw8TlalE/ ***TURN THE VOLUME WAY UP AND LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY AT THE :59 - 1:02 MINUTE MARK OF THE VIDEO when the short-statured middle-aged mestizo California Department of Transportation aka Caltrans District 3 Cook JOSEPH SCHWAB (father obviously White and mother Aztec, based on the White last name), responds in utter shock and disbelief towards his violent co-worker fellow cook, KINZIE D'BRAV DAVIS date-of-birth 05/15/1992 Age 30 (seen in the video) with "That's a good way to loose your fuckin' job, Bro!!" <br>This is verbalized by Schwab, immediately concerned for his own general safety and reputation at that point, from his co-worker fellow cook, right after Schwab's co-worker cook violently slams shut an INDUSTRIAL-GRADE 15-FOOT METAL AWNING in the face of a former Caltrans District 3 HIghway Maintenance Worker, not seen in the video whatsoever. <br>This large, heavy metal awning was also mischeivously-downplayed and maliciously-downgraded as a "kitchen window" by Caltrans District 3 Deputy Director SUSAN LYNN REHERMANN-ELKINS, OF MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA to put a deliberate SMOKESCREEN in front of D'BRAV-DAVIS' visceral, brute workplace violence, wholly endorsed by lunatic Anti-White jewish supremacists with the California State Attorney Generals Office aka California Department of Justice! <br>The malicious "slamming shut" of this metal awning by this same violent psychologically-challenged Caltrans District 3 Cook was also done right after his verbal assault of the Former Caltrans Employee with "Get the fuck out of here!!", and also right after MALICIOUSLY **DENYING SERVICE** TO THE FORMER CALTRANS EMPLOYEE REQUIRED BREAKFAST SERVICE AT A STATE-SANCTIONED AND OPERATED CAFETERIA!! <br>TRAGICALLY, TO THIS VERY DAY: This mentally-unstable, unsafe, violence-inclined Caltrans District 3 Cook, KINZIE D'BRAV DAVIS date-of-birth 05/15/1992, Age 30, is totally advocated for and condoned by ZOG. His premeditated malicious perjurious statements, malicious misinterpretation libelous statements and KNOWN-IN-ADVANCE FREQUENT PERVERTED EMBELLISHMENT are totally and brazenly accepted as "reasonable fact" by a mentally disturbed lunatic jewish supremacist squad of satanic scum at the California Department of Justice aka California Attorney General's Office. <br>His Anti-White workplace violence and overall psychological instability goes COMPLETELY AND DEFIANTLY UNACCOUNTED FOR. To this very day: He still has his job, state-subsidized Caltrans dormitory housing, and is REWARDED IMMENSELY by ZOG for lying to the full jewish supremacist extreme "Anti-White Cancel Culture" maximum. <br>Go ahead.....KEEP LYING away for ZOG and keep at it with the jewish supremacist lies after lies after lies! "As long as my lies are incorporated into fragments of past legitimate, objective conversations, then ZOG always has me covered 666-percent, and I can NEVER be charged with all-out perjury, because I am utilizing a foundation of hastily-assembled legitimate fragments of past conversation woven with my own lies, LOL!" "Let my lying go....." <br>"OY VEY: Shut this goy up already: He knows too much and is properly informing the goyim public at-large and is angering our convicted-felon Anti-White mestizos!" <br>"OY: Have him arrested and thrown in jail with our other "willing to lie under oath" brown tattooed golem; That will show him not to mess with ZOG!" <br>***CRITICAL TO NOTE: <br>This workplace-violent cook went to "insane lunatic jewish supremacist degrees" to justify HIS workplace violence by mining and plagarizing many quotes (heavily-coached and coerced by California-licensed attorneys DANIEL DENNIS O'SHEA and EMILY ROSE MAIA NAHAN KROTKI aka routinely-permitted fraudulent alias of "Emily Nahan" on all official California State Court Documents) from various White Nationalist Online Chat Forums and quotes from past episodes of various White Nationalist podcasts to "frame" and "tarnish the image of" the TRUE VICTIM of workplace violence and to detract from, suppress, and excuse HIS REAL ON-THE-CLOCK WORKPLACE VIOLENCE!!
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