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Making Secession Work

132 Views • 08/27/22
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2 years ago


Repealing Roe showed us something we already knew but so few could articulate: women and liberals are powerless except for the power we permit them to have. We are enslaved by forces that we enable. Take away welfare programs, take away the lobby, take money out of politics; find your spine and refuse to kowtow or compromise.

Congratulations, you've found another way to collapse the carcinogen of liberals and feminists.

Roe V Wade was overturned, a token move except where trigger states enacted bans, and what did almighty feminists do? Pitched a fit? Refuse sex to their orbiters and cucks? Tantrum, wail, and whine? They have no power except what's given to them, same with Washington. If people, businesses, communities rejected the lock-downs instead of going along to get along while enjoying their bread and circuses we'd be better off right now. There won't be an uprising, the brats will hear 'NO' and pitch a fit, and things will fall back into place.

You can't go home twice, but balkanizing America to save America (or just your own asses) is not the least bit sensible.

2 years ago

County sized states....that is exactly Switzerland..

2 years ago

3 things needed for stability and freedom

There is never mob rule if the minority can secede...

2 years ago

did i just hear him say jewmerica?


2 years ago

Yes you did! Rejoice that things are finally being called what they are.

2 years ago

Brother Nathaniel has been around for a long time. Openly calling out jews the entire time. He was saying this on youtube before they pushed him off. he was also threatended for his honesty. Glad hes here on

2 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: yeah, i'm not against the guy, i have seen his videos from time to time while on this website, but i never payed his channel any real attention till now, at first i thought he was a jew lol, because at first i didn't know how to tell from his looks, but clearly i know now.

2 years ago

@KEEPER: No. He WAS a jew. He went full on against the grain. Kinda like Bobby Fischer. And they tried to take him out a few years back. he did a video where he took Malcolm X's speech about the Jews and totally agreed with it as a former jew - Point for point. it was a legendary video and it got him in so much trouble. But it was so accurate. Was not a big fan of Malcolm X but what he said about jews in his speech was fucking RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

2 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: i will just take your word for it.

2 years ago

Based. This is the first time time I've seen anyone outline what's needed for secession.


2 years ago

For about two years, off and on, I've been working on a new Constitution. The main feature is that it may superificially resemble the old Articles of Confederation but, with a twist. A central, or federal, government entity is needed but, structural designs need to make it impossible to grow as it has done since the end of WW1. My design features a federal government WITH NO PLACE OF ITS OWN. It must go from State to State, every year, and depend on the next State to provide office space whose floor space will be fixed. The work year will be 10 months and absolutely no business is left undone by the last day. The federal government will move among the States in alphabetical order, to prevent regional political mischief from growing. This lack of roots will be possible because it will be stripped of 75% of what it does now. By the 9th and 10 Amendments, a lot of what the Feds do will be sent to the States, to accept or dismiss as they wish. With few exeptions, only what the Federal Government had before the Civil War will be retained. There's a LOT MORE to this but, what do you think?

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I like it. But the number one priority should be no voting rights for women! Or else we will be back to square one with welfare, parasitism, mass immigration etc. I remember there was that YT channel John Mark where they were supposedly writing a new constitution but it turned out to be a fed op.


2 years ago

@FL_Steve: Absolutely! I'm working on the political and legal architecture. Repeal of Universal Suffrage is more of a political matter and it is certainly carved in stone in my new Consitution. My voting system returns voting rights back to men of adult age but, again, with this twist. Voters will only vote for their House Representative. The House is the proper venue for the masses. The 17th Amendment will be repealed and State Governors will once against appoint two Senators to the U.S. Senate. The Senate is the proper venue for the States. The combined House and Senate will vote on the POTUS. There will be NO POPULAR ELECTION of the POTUS. This will eliminate the insane circus of Presidential elections. Furthermore, the POTUS will run by himself but, nominate his Vice President *AFTER* he is elected. All too often, terrible VP's are chosen and for all the wrong reasons. If a POTUS is elected, then he has the right to nominate a reliable assitant to help carry out the agenda he lobbied on. This eliminates chaos and division in the Executive branch. Anybody who reads my ongoing draft will know it's the real deal. Not some U.N. - JEW trash masquerading as a Constitution.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Just copy the Swiss con-federacy, been working for 780 years. Its pride that prevents you from copying other systems that proved the test of time


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: In this case, it's ignorance. I hadn't even thought of looking at the Swiss confederacy. The big question is: can it be adapted for us? My version is based on what I'm seeing here. I don't think what works for Switzerland would work here but, I'm going to take a look.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Few people know that President John Adams and, later on, Lord Macaulay in England, had serious doubts about our Constitution back then. Both men saw very serious flaws in our people and institutions, and that the Consitution that was ill-equipped to deal with them.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: states, should be folk bases, in the US and Europe nation states you got all kinds of ethnicities spead out over borders.. so that is why secession is a key tool in the Swiss confederacy...States (Swiss Kantons) need constant re-alignment. Some Kantons don't allow for secret votes (so dead ppl can't vote) you also need to be armed during the vote (so nobody can force you to vote a certain way). Also giving out a Swiss citizenship requires a public vote in some Kantons.... there is no head of state, it is officially the 7 headed presidential council, it has no power since the powerpyramid is inverted. Gun ownership is mandatory, and there is lifelong service (max age 50 for officers and higher) . This only state militia no federal army (so nobody can stop secession). Also most important is citizen veto at all levels (the population can kill laws at will and it does). Swiss citizens vote 7x per month on local laws and 4x per year on confederate laws...itsnt mob rule, since ppl seceede into their own state if is abused. If you want to implement it on US scale you would end up with 3000 states..., armed to the teeth and neutral.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: How would you deal with the giant corporations? They are effectively private States and rule for the benefit of the biggest shareholders. The main but hidden goal of (((Reaganomics))) was to put private power above State power. The State is, in theory, supposed to be the Trustee for the people. Corporations exist for the benefit of the shareholders, according to recent, and immoral, court rulings. If it boosts shareholder value to move a factory from Ohio to China, then the damage done to Ohio is not important. That is 100% JEWISH. An atomized entity of 3000 County-States would be powerless against a monolith like the giant corporation and that means, the corporations would either be forced to dissolve or each part is subject to the County-State it resides in. Entirely new corporate entities and supply chain agreements would have to be built from scratch. A daunting proposition but, as it is now, the alternative is total Jewish tyranny. These are problems that Switzerland may not be familiar with. Switzerland has enjoyed stability under its current paradigm for many centuries. The sitution in ZOG-U.S. is a badly fractured entity that is collapsing in real time and the Sheeple are not allowed to truly look into WHY it is happening. We require a straight jacket and disarmament of (((TPTB))) while punishment and implementing new structures that will prevent a repeat of our current dysfunctional tyranny. MY Consitution addresses just those things.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: the 5 biggest pharmaceutical companies are Swiss, Nestlé la Rouche, the biggest utility company in the world ( bigger the GE) is ABB a Swiss/Swedish combine. I am not even tlaking about the Banks like Credit Suisse or UBS.

2 years ago

The ones with the power are the ones controlling the biggest guns, that is why Switzerland has no dedicated army, there is no career military every , no tool for the politicians to force corperations to pay lobby money. All men serve from 18-35 , and officers serve longer, (up to 55). These ppl have normal jobs too, .. now citizens are shit ppl too, so to prevent abuse by mob rule, there I always secession,... in this environment the body politic cannot be corrupted by anything, ....

2 years ago

You make a good point of moving factories to cheaper countries, but it does not happen here because 80% of the economy are family owned bizz (Most Swiss have a Master degree in Mechanical engineering) and they make high quality parts for aerospace and automotive industry. The economy is not structured as a few big large multinationals and large low educated workforce.. Also you need to understand college is supercheap (ETH is the 6th best in the world and cost 1800 usd year). Switzerland is the richest country in Europe PP and we pay the highest salaries.... but it's tiresome, we can't let our guard down economicly or politically. We don't enjoy sports like you do in the USA. No bread and games,... (we do have fun, but it's with family and friends, and folkish celebrations).

2 years ago

You are wrong about Switzerland being somehow lucky, no, it's peacefull because it's population is armed to the teeth and neutral, yes ppl don't like jews, they are tolerated and many jews do try to subvert with feminism or migration, but direct democracy stops any shit in its tracks..... the only big problem is we gave women voting rights in 1971.... we hope the EU will go to shit first so we can revert this.....meanwhile we have to play "real politiek"... and keep the tanks and guns greased.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: fractured, A superstate like the USA should not exist in the first place, maybe as a defense alliance, remember current day Germany is an artificial construct previously existing as many small different states, but Busmark changed that to an empirium


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Thank you for putting in the work to do multiple commentaries on multiple subjects. You raised a good point where Switzerland succeeds and ZOG-U.S. is failing. An armed citizenry. In the U.S, we have a LOT of private guns. But, the masses are atomized to where it is impossible to gather a force together for anything. It's like a bull elephant made of individual children's toy blocks. It is huge but, nothing is holding it together. A police state can knock it down easily, just by striking one leg of the beast. Americans wave their guns like TALISMANS. They have no concept of drilling, practice, or group training. They think if they simply HAVE the gun and bullets, then mere possession is enough to ward off evil spirits. That is why ZOG-U.S. is falling so rapidly into tyranny and despite the millions of private guns.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: America's fatal flaw was that the States were NEVER SOVEREIGN. They were first created by the King of England and then by Washington. Thus, the States are administrative districts and subservient to the Federal Government. And JEWS control the Federal Government. My Constitution not only create sovereign States but, they come together to form up the Federal Government as I've described *AND* the Federal Government has no place of its own. It must go from State to State to conduct busines. Each session is limited to 10 months and is put on a strict schedule. There are a LOT more details but, my Consitution is created to prevent relapse; even when the people themselves fail. No other form of government can do that.

2 years ago

In Switzerland the ppl are the final stop, if ppl fail, maybe one or 2 states will,fail (think liberal shit) but the rest of the USA will be ok,....also no voting for ppl who refuse conscription, or are too disabled to serve...also every man gets full police training, no exceptions, so the difference between a citizen and a policemen is licensing only.

2 years ago

In Switzerland the ppl are the final stop, if ppl fail, maybe one or 2 states will,fail (think liberal shit) but the rest of the Confederacy will be ok,....also no voting for ppl who refuse conscription, or are too disabled to serve...also every man gets full police training, no exceptions, so the difference between a citizen and a policemen is licensing only.

2 years ago

I am typing on my smartphone, I can't turn off the stupid autocomplete, stupid typos.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I like the mandatory military or police service for men. I will write that into my Constitution for the new Federal Government. This further justifies the repeal of Universal Suffrage as women will not be allowed to do such service. Women might apply for "pink collar" jobs in both military and police but, because such employment is voluntary, that is not sufficient for voting rights.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: mandayory service means also mandatory fitness requirements


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Way back when I was in school, P.E. (Physical Ed). was mandatory from grades 1 -12. In grade school (1-6), we did calisthenics. In Jr High and High School (7-12) , we had team sports. Some could opt out and work in the school garden using hand tools. I did that for one semester and it was interesting. Bottom line: we had to get some exercise. It's not that way any more, thanks to Jewish social engineering.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Yes Physical ed was mandatory in the country I grew up (Netherlands) up till age 18 (before uni), also there was school camping in the Ardennes fores , where we had to march a whole day with camping gear from one camping site to another (mixed female/male groups) fun as hell and bonds people from all social classes


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I envy your school camping trips! That sort of thing could never be done here. In contrast, 80-90 years ago, I could see it happening. But today, not a chance. . I can't begin to describe the insanity that rules our school system...


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Well, I took a look at the English translation of the Swiss Federal Charter of 1291. All well and good but, it won't fly today. Too many things have to be spelled out and firm boundaries established. The Charter of 1291 has some nice ideas but, things are too far developed to build on such a simple foundation. By the same token, a highly complex and micromanaging Constitution is NOT what we want or need. I wish formatting could be done on replies so I could post what I've done so far. A solid block of text just isn't going to work.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: the federal charter is a promise..not so much a framework...second there is a new confedrate charter 150 years ago...this happened after the Swiss civil war....(confedrates won)..... show me a googledrive link....its a hash so u wont dox yourself.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: google drive link? I had to look that up. Never heard of such a thing. You're right, I don't want to doxx myself. Right now, I'm starting off with the Wikipedia page on the Swiss Federal Constitution, which is very recent (1999). The introduction of feminist grievance language is not a good sign, including women's suffrage. Language promoting "openness" is a classic Jewish backdoor. Here's a good quote for you, "Title 2 refers to Swiss people as "women and men of Switzerland" as a sign of acknowledging gender discrimination in the past (Switzerland became the second to last country in Europe that granted, in 1971, suffrage to women). " FFS, not even Switzerland can get away from this Jew / Feminist shit!

2 years ago

" FFS, not even Switzerland can get away from this Jew / Feminist shit! Thats because we are landlocked, so we screwed economicly since everybody surrounding us is on the same team (European Union). If we only had a harbor we could have said to the rest of Europe *GO EAT A DICK*... but we landlocked

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: It was last amended in 1999, (amendments happen all the time through direct democracy) ,.... first feminist protest (lol) was in 2018 (doing this from heart), yeah we landlocked so we do kung fu bend with the wind for the EU not to invade us or some crazy shit..... Also note, there is very little social security for women (pregnancy leave is the lowest in Europe ), so we need to slow down this bullshit till the rest of the Fembot world collapses


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Interesting perspective on the importance of having direct access to the high seas. Even though Switzerland can use the airways like anybody else, the real heavy lifting has always been done with ships. The real power projection has always been done with warships capable of Blue Water and expeditionary operations.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Since we're on the subject of governmental frameworks, let me run the Preamble of my New Constitution for the Treaty Between The Sovereign States past you. Of course, there isn't any formatting for replies but, it should be readable. Tell me what you think: Preamble: We the Sovereign States, in the aftermath of a failed Union, come now to create a new framework that recognizes the fatal errors that destroyed the previous Union and seek to impose safeguards to prevent such errors from arising again. Errors that were implemented, piece by piece, until the freedoms meant to be enjoyed by the rightful posterity, spoken of by the original Founding Fathers, were stolen by alien persons representing a toxic and destructive ideology; currently found in evolutions of what used to be known as the Frankfurt School. Persons who wrongfully demanded a claim to the blessings intended for the rightful inheritors of the original 13 colonies. Persons who imported large numbers of alien races not equal to our own, against the wishes of the rightful citizens, and used these persons as political muscle. Thus robbing the inheritors and then blaming them for their misfortunes. This new Constitution recognizes the affronting parties and shall deny them their former rights which they had surruptitiously taken by legal craft and political subversion.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: for a preamble not bad,

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: maybe we should research all constitutions, I know the United Provinces of the Netherlands were a republic (militarily defeated by France in 1672) , Geneva is a republic within the confederacy of Switzerland, we need to set up a dossier system and check what worked , what worked very well and what worked so so.... The Roman Republic was a nice start, but it became ineffective because of filibuster and Senator veto

2 years ago

My perfect ideal would be a modern day Sparta, exemplary warrior caste based on good genetics, these days should not be a problem with all the modern DNA scans we can do and select for most healthy individuals


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I don't think checking off what worked in a dossier of constitutions would work. Constitutions are usually (but not always) organic to the body-politic it was created for. A Constitution is not like a mass produced machine where parts are interchangeable with other constitutions. To create a new Constitution, it must either fit the existing body-politic or, in the case of a failed State, it must be remediative and force a restoration of the old body-politic to its last known good configuration. The problem with creating new Constitutions in this current paradigm is that the current elites are incapable of crafting one and the JEWS will certainly poison it. The times call for a Classic Strongman with a clear vision to rally around. From that man and that act of attracting a loyal following is what will generate the next Constitution. Democracies are incapable of creating such a man. He must arise by his own power to speak powerful truths and draw people to him. Only Fate can create him by direction of a merciful Universe that has decided to save a fallen country. I can draft a magnificent Constitution but, there's no way in hell I could ever sell it. The Great Man and Hero we need must take it from me and make it his mission.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: As for Sparta, I'm not that well read on them but, a civilization must have more than warriors. Behind every warrior is an army of farmers, industrial workers, builders, craftsmen, and other such necessary work. That includes women who stay at home, OBEY their husbands, and not nag him over shit. I'd say the best society has already been done: early to mid-20th century America! We had it all but, the JEWS encroached like worms in apples and ruined it.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: you forgot the boer war (they where farmers) the Swiss obliteration of 2 invading Austrian armies (farm boys) .. the old Roman republic (where most free citizens where farmers) where the soldiers could only be free citizens.. etc etc... creation of a dedicated military is the surest way of loosing your freedom.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: The Boer War is never covered in ZOG-U.S. Why? Football, NASCAR, LGBTQ, and dilution of White Privilege have top priority. The Boer War doesn't feature Whites being mean to the Negroes so, (((TPTB))) don't care. We are LUCKY if our high school graduates can find their own State on a map! As for a standing professional army, you are right. That's why the Founding Fathers specifically restricted the Federal Government to having a NAVY only. Each State had its own militia and guardsmen. That changed because of the Civil War but, it didn't become permanent until WW1. Thanks to massive deindustrialization brought on by (((Reaganomics))), we have a permanent Economic Draft. That means full time entry-level payroll jobs are so scarce that many men are forced to enlist.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: exactly only state militia is the way Swiss defense is organized..... I would also add that general voting rights only go to men who serve.....if you were wounded in a war you keep your voting rights, if you where born invalid then you don't get to vote, ..simple.

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