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40 Views • 06/22/23

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That idiot fuck - sitting on the edge - the guy has shit for brains.
The water coming up is ONE thing, But the water going back down under ground - is another thing.
And he is sitting on a soft overhanging edge, that is about to give away, and it's "plop" into the massively swirling and turbulent water - just to get sucked under like a terd in a flushing toilet.
Punch this guys face in - just for being so stupid.

   5    0
1 year ago

There's your 'hole in one'

Mark E
Mark E
1 year ago

That's the first thing that I thought, "what a MORON!"


@bigintol03: The warnings - don't fuck around in flood water and don't fuck around near drains and don't fuck around in the flood water near drains...... The amount of children who get sucked under and into drains - Jesus Fuck.... Cause I am smart, I prepared for the 2011 floods, I saw them coming a week ahead - by watching STAGGERING amounts of rain coming across Australia on the weather radars, and I just went "Fuck - this is going to be huge - really huge!" it was the bggest ever recorded flood in history - so the whole town was "under water" but I got in Timber and made stands and got all my shit up and EVERYONE ELSE got flooded out. I was the only one who had a bed with a meter of clearance under it - so me and the cats stayed... AND the river ran through the streets of the town I walked up and down the streets - through the flood waters - as a very calculated act...... AND as the flood waters scoured the foliage out of the river banks and flooded areas, the water speed increased.... and I was walking everywhere in my T shirt, underwear and bare feet - as the water was at a fairly brisk sort of pace and about a meter deep - and I was feeling the limits of adhesion of my feet on the different surfaces, the strength of the current and all that - very educational - and I had premeditated what to do and where to go, incase I lost my footing, so as to secure a fence or post or railing etc., and the flow of the current and the particular chosen routes up and down different streets., so that if I did lose my footing - it was a recoverable situation... where as the wrong path along the wrong route, would lead to either hard or no means of recovery, to avoid getting washed down the street and back into the immensely flooded and fast flowing river - with limited means of escape, high risks of injury or death and limited chance of rescue. So I am not frightened of floods.... but going down that sink hole and that VERY FAST and HUGE amount of water I'd be staying well clear of that - and the submerged drain / former river / creek - and the route it runs along... If that bit has washed out - probably best to avoid the creek path and keep a very careful eye out for any subsidance if needing to cross it and no bridge with deep foundations is available.

Mark E
Mark E
1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: There is something to be said for planning ahead!


@bigintol03: Well walking through the balls to waist deep flood waters, was very educational... The limits of adhesion..... how deep and how fast flowing can the water get, before you can no longer maintain traction.... And there is a difference between hypothesizing, and knowing by doing.... All very calculating... AND as the water started draining and the flow rate picked up, the ability of the water to transition to merely flowing down the streets, to starting to erode the dirt, and then moving the gravel, and then getting underneath the bitumen, and starting to peel that off and washing it away... and leaving deep holes and ruts where the road surface used to be..... Walking over those ares several times a day... in bare feet and feeling the change in depth and contours etc... it packs the mind with computations... You learn an awful lot.... And you cannot get that out of text books... The limits of adhesion.... like walking crablike sidewards up stream loweres the frontal surface area of the legs because the back leg, is running in the wake of the front leg, so the force pushing you down stream, is like 60 or 70 % lower that walking into the flowing water, front on..... So you get the lowering of force, on the limit of your foots grip on the ground.... You can FEEL it.

1 year ago

was kinda hoping the one idiot would get the 'darwin award' right there...

1 year ago

or maybe i should say, expecting to see that...


Thanks for posting the link - education is a good thing.

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