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Man Woman Myth: Fire, Feminism and Facebook

70 Views • 05/14/21
Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

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4 years ago

They have but one outcome. Romans 1:18 - Isaiah 4:1 - Isaiah 13:12 - Isaiah 3 16:26 - Revelation 18, are the Prophecy of their fate.

4 years ago

Well, drums, in my case at least, first stormy Sandy, then Hammer, Popps , you, have did just that. Cut a mangina off from women and set him up to learn. Enough repetition and they'll be stranded to fight their own wars. Know what I learnt during army time. You need fit young men with tough muscle to carry battle equipment. Guess who's got 50% more upper body strength. 50, not 5. That means in the field the difference between successfully completing the mission and falling down dead from over-exhaustion. First time they raised a firing squad at us, game time is over.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
4 years ago

All excellent creators and purveyors of wisdom. I discovered MWM around the same time that I was discovering them, well Hammer I discovered later on Bitchute, anyway... Glad you're enjoying these. Check the one "Rowland" for info on MWM, and that youtube channel linked under, has a playlist. The rest of his videos, that aren't here, there. It's hard to even imagine what the military is thinking there. So wrapped up in their feminist delusion that they expect reality to bend for it. Virtue signaling that hard could only come from insanity.

4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: Drums, the one undebated quality of woman was the nurturer of life. If she trainwrecks herself to be perceived as a potential terminator of life, 2 responses will arise. The disappointed manginas will have my response. Apathy. A world not comfortable at the minimum to motivate me to get up from the couch has consequences not easy to imagine. Women, even if a lot of them are psychotherapists, don't seem to grasp lack of motivation at society level. Blackpill is not a cure, it is a crippling. I now tend to my comfort needs strictly and if war itself erupts in my city, I just make sure to stay away from the windows. I don't even bother to look. Society has failed me, It is no longer worth my input. The second response is MGTOW. Men focusing on themselves and handing society to women to run amok with, but withdrawing themselves from the equation. One detail. I'm in Romania, a country 50 years behind the world trends, and because of me and some clever placing, at least 10 more men are now watching Just one insignificant dude from the middle of nowhere. Now multiply that. I believe woman can't envision past Facebook and tiktok and blogs. Information does not work that way. I have inner motivation to see as many men having contact with MGTOW truth, sold under the premise that they should be aware what world they live in. The rest unfolds automatically. Each of these men can become a center for other focal points. Truth acts more like an epidemy than like a hammered, sweat and dollars propaganda. Because environmental awareness is hardwired in the survival instinct. And that's powerful stuff. So bros will spread the hush-hush to those that they are not comfortable with being left in the dust. It is exponential, not prime time audience. And it snowballs. But there are 4 billion simp that need the right click first. I saw a Raging Golden Eagle clip in 2014 and the dude gave off the vibe of anger management issues. I saw the likes of Think Before You Sleep, and I haven't slept that night. Not everyone is seduced by emotional explosions of righteous rage. And Sandy, is a product by now, you get hooked for a few months, time in which you pretty much already know the basics. The difference between analyzing technology and abusing it is staggering, it lies in subtleties. MGTOW does not need to be splashed over every other site. Just tell a dude :"do you know what's really been going on with you your entire life? go there." then truth works it's magic.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
4 years ago

@OniriumSage: Nice. Well put. Regards to Romania.


4 years ago

Leave the plantation, ghost, leave the dumb followers there and watch it crumble or the bad guys take over. Marshmallows.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
4 years ago

Notifications are kind of sketchy here, never got one for this. Sometimes I get 3 or 4 notes for just one.

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