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Man Woman Myth: Fire, Feminism and Facebook
• 05/14/21
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4 years ago
They have but one outcome. Romans 1:18 - Isaiah 4:1 - Isaiah 13:12 - Isaiah 3 16:26 - Revelation 18, are the Prophecy of their fate.
4 years ago
Well, drums, in my case at least, first stormy Sandy, then Hammer, Popps , you, have did just that. Cut a mangina off from women and set him up to learn. Enough repetition and they'll be stranded to fight their own wars. Know what I learnt during army time. You need fit young men with tough muscle to carry battle equipment. Guess who's got 50% more upper body strength. 50, not 5. That means in the field the difference between successfully completing the mission and falling down dead from over-exhaustion. First time they raised a firing squad at us, game time is over.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Leave the plantation, ghost, leave the dumb followers there and watch it crumble or the bad guys take over. Marshmallows.
4 years ago