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Man Woman Myth: Firewoman
• 04/04/21
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4 years ago
These women are not equal, but they want to be told they're equal, so that when someone else tells them the lie they want to hear, they can tell themselves it must be true. Some years ago, I saw a similar TV program - a 'firefighter olympics' kind of show. Two wooden towers, four storeys high, one for each competitor. Two men competing first, had to pick up a fifty foot fire hose, run to the top of the tower, attach the hose, deploy it down the side, then run back down. Once at the bottom, they had to stand on a platform with a sledge hammer and swing at a block of steel to move it three feet, then run fifty feet over the finish line - all this was done in full firefighter gear. The men did the whole task in about two and a half minutes.
Then, they paired a woman against a man - one on each tower again, because, you know, 'equality'. The man finished the whole task in about two and a half minutes again. The woman - who was already employed by a fire department somewhere - struggled just to get the hose off the ground and onto her shoulder. She staggered up the stairs of the tower, dropping the hose several times along the way, struggling more to pick it back up again. She finally got it up there, and stumbled back down the steps. When it came to the sledge hammer, she could not budge the steel block. Not one inch. When the timing clock hit TEN MINUTES, a male came over and knocked the steel block three feet for her, and another male came along so that both of them could carry her over the finish line. She then held up her arms in victory as if she had done it. This is what's coming to save you.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago