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Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Intimacy (4 of 4)
• 04/22/21
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers
A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.
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4 years ago
I have to admit and I wont deny it, Today's world has destroyed my Empathy. as a MAN I no longer want and avoid female and connection with children, because the hassle or risk's be they real or imagined are to great to take a chance on. I'll be perfectly honest and say and it has happened that if I see a child fall or something I do NOT assist. I was a trained corporate Medic now retired for many years, and despite what I know and have the knowledge that doesn't go away, I will NOT intervene.
I've on numerous occasions now seen a damsel in distress at the roadside, and despite my incredibly good knowledge of engines and electric;s and many other things I no longer which to communicate with fefails in any form? it would be fair to say probably the closes I EVER get to a fefail these day's is by a till in a shop when oi pay for my shopping.
I no longer make eye contact, I don't eye up toty when out and about, I don't reply or talk to women when spoken to in public anymore. It sounds Awful i know but it isn't out of FEAR, in fact I don't any longer seem to have any FEAR, but it''s just I guess that connection has now been removed. i often wonder is society has turned me into a sociopath, but when i look at fefail behavior I would suggest not?
4 years ago