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Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (2 of 4)

18 Views • 05/04/21
Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

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4 years ago

With women it is NEVER their fault, it's always someone or something else to blame. Not just MEN's fault either women will blame each other before they would ever stand up and admit being wrong? This is why our entire world is currently fucked up completely. Today's problems can pretty much be traced back and laid at the foot of feminism. I women don't want MEN inclusive in today's society then a MAM doesn't have to be a part of it where promoting the anti MEN agenda is concerned? If we are NOT iclusive we have no obligation to help fefails and their broken pathetic system.

4 years ago

This is the problem of living in a "Matriarchy" a Gynocentrically based FLAWED System that relies on Emotion and feeling and NOT logic. So whilst the world spirals down in this state at the end of the day the women WILL be the ultimate victim, which to a warped women sounds idea, but in reality it won't be a bonus at all when MEN fail to help them be it out of disgust of their fefail attitude or out of fear of doing something wrong?

Women have cut of their own noses to spite their face. The Male when needs be, WILL adjust away from problems and adapt his life. If that means "NO" fefail contact then let it be so? If or when the SHTF MEN will be the stronger and survive and adapt to their surroundings, the fefail won't know how to. the first place she will run to is a MAN. I suggest to the fefail they don't run my way.

I've never been in trouble with the Police but I don't trust them an inch especially these little Piglet's with a bad attitude that feminism has given them. they don't know the Law they talk utter rubbish and they are a public danger? women in the police force or army is a really stupid move to make, and these hoes will do anything to climb the ladder even having sex with other officers and probably crying rape as well to get his job? Only supposition I know? but put in the context of the average and rather irrational fefail mind not impossible?

As I say again. The best policy is for MEN to avoid fefails all together and break that connection with the PUSSY. It can be done by finding other things more constructive to do with your time. Did you know that a fast drive or ride on a motorbike, or learning a musical instrument or exercise do exactly nthe same thing as a fleeting sexual encounter? and you have something other than a criminal record to show for it?

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