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Manipulation Backfires, Super Nova Follows...

22 Views • 08/04/23
Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
65 Subscribers

Lifted from: Lens Of Law <br>

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Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington 2 years ago  

Holy Shit.
Best part is when the hero shows up. Gets his nuts tazed, then shows himself out.
This is what a simp looks like.

   4    0

Hmmmm Open the door, look out, close the door, turn the stereo up a bit.... High conflict head cases.

Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Would skip first three and go right to stereo.


@Drums_McBashington: Shoot her, shoot him, turn the stereo right up... "Didn't see nothing"

2 years ago

6:10 Please plEAZe ReeeeEEEEE said the feminist who sound like a pig XD stun the bitch goddamnit and put the alpha tonfa in her asshole ,i'm sure she will love it because she's tired of her pathetic simp boyfriend (i'm here zZZZ i'm not here anymore)

2 years ago

I mean WTF has gone wrong with this place, this is NOT the world I was born into. I've also lived my current 67 years without any shit like this, well little anyway, won't go into the EX taking a newborn out in -21 degrees, that was the only time I had to call the Police who frankly were disgusted with her actions. Anyway that is a long long time in the past. I'm now and have been for years a Strong Independent MALE who can manage on my own. I don't have any reason to be lonely or needing some slut to make my life a fucking misery ever again. Guy's Find your solitude and work on it and be HAPPY. One final point is this incident got Police, in the UK for the same thing you would NOT even get a Police response and if you did it would take then about 6/7 hours to get their. I live in quite a larhge town that doesn't even HAVE a Police station anymore, they closed it. We have two police Cars from 19 miles away in another town and one VAN that act's as a Police Van, A speeding camera van, Riot Van and General purpose of "PANDA". They pull up at a MUCKdonalds down the road at 6 am and do nothing until 8 pm. The RAINBOW Police as they are known are a fucking JOKE her in the UK and the wonder why crime is rising? no matter what promotion they do for joining the Police no one is applying either except for Lesbian dwarf's and LBGTABCQRIP's that is! lol! I'm quite clever and if I chose to become a criminal I could have a fucking field day believe me! lol!


Facebook: "That fat dyke is a bitch" - - 5 minutes later "Eeeeee Awwwww, Eeeeee Awwwww, Eeeeee Awwwww, Knock knock knock - excuse me sir, we have come here to investigate a complaint about you committing hate crimes on Facebook"...

2 years ago

They talk about Lithium Batteries going into Run away. I think this bitch's Battery in her implant in her head has gone into overload. I was expecting it's head to explode like that Guy in the film SCANNER's! lol! The fact she has or claims a baby is in side she doe's nothing to prove she is a good mother. Poor child if it has to wake up to that thing everyday. and why didn't the Guy come to the door with the women in the first place. Boy the Human race is proving REALLY FUCKED these days! They cuffed her and then she claims she cant breath? How the fuck is that even possible? meanwhile Mr SIMP is laying on the floor doing a pretty good Homer SIMPson impression! lol! Fuck that is the biggest 5 year old I've ever seen! It couldn't get it's LEG in the car because it was to fat and barely fitten anyway, I would have sent a Dog Pound Van to pick this one up - WOOF<WOOF!! She don't need no Hospital, she needs the local Asylum"! lol! this women is mentally ill, It's a bad case of ENTITLEMENT SYNDROME!

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