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Manufactured Food Crisis: Elite's "Great Reset" Plan to Take Farmer's Land, Convert it to Housing
• 07/09/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
Manufactured Food Crisis: Elite's "Great Reset" Plan to Take Farmer's Land, Convert it to Housing <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
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3 years ago
With cost of living quadrupled while income only doubled over last 35 years,, we make half what we made back then..
3 years ago
first commenter in video, same with Ukraine I am sure.. UKRAINE IS BIG FARM LAND!
3 years ago
Only mass summary executions of the elites will stop this. Because due process, judicial remedy, and political action failed to stop (((THEM))) and their enablers, then nothing but THE ROPE will stop it!
Considering the vast scale of Jewish corruption at the top; all over the world, we will require other forms of justice to be carried out on the elites and their enablers. Besides THE ROPE, we have the firing squad and the guillotine. The last should be reserved for the topmost elites due to the cost of the guillotine; including the executioner who must maintain and operate it. Plus historical precedent reserves the guillotine for (((TPTB))) including Klaus Schwab, all heads of State who willingly (or unwillingly) went along, and the ultra wealthy who keep themselves out of the public eye while they carry out the long term Jewish goal of the Olam Ha Bah.