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Mark Steyn- They-re saying monkeypox may have wiggled free of your dangly bits and could be airborne

34 Views • 06/10/22
190 Subscribers

Well here we go again! lol! Now the fake Monkey pox is not only sexually transmitted but it is now "Airboune"? I mean how airbourn is it, do You have to be close up smiffing a GAY or Bi person's genitals for example, as it is said that it is the Gay and Bi "MEN" that spread it! lol! there we go again it's the MAN's fault! doe's anyone out there still listen to this SHITE outside of finding something to LAUGH at? Personally I holding out for a POX that wipes out million's of women and politician's! lol! then we can PRICK up our EARS, or is a "PRICK UP TH EAR" a type of transmission technique? lol!

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2 years ago

It's all lies. Don't believe a word of it. Why? Because Jews and their congenital need to lie and deceive. There ARE reactions when niggers fuck monkeys in Africa. Those pics are real but, the CAUSE is NEVER addressed! The DEMOGRAPHICS of monkeypox are NEVER addressed! The demographics of a lot of societal ills are NEVER addressed. Because Jews.

The whole idea of viruses being airborne is complete bullshit. "Viruses" are nothing but fragments of dead cells. That's all there is to it. The causes of cell deaths are many and some of those causes are NEVER addressed because that would throw a monkey wrench into the JEWS' perverse agenda.

Viruses exist in the same medium of bodily fluids as when they were alive. The body has an efficient way of collecting them up and disposing them through urine and feces. The body can handle it and it does. The body shows symptoms of sickness when there's too much trash floating around. That's all it is.

2 years ago

SAD where they vaxxed?


2 years ago

Monkeypox is brought on by doing stupid things. Niggers in Africa screwing around with monkeys, drugs, and homosexuality. This monkepox scare is like AIDS, HIV, and other diseases brought on by LGBTQ behavior. Better people in better societies in better times past kept those people in the closet at the very least.

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