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Massad Ayoob: Short answers against Gun Control & how to defend the 2nd Amendment. Critical Mas EP47

22 Views • 12/19/22
Jess Sosnoski
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers

⁣Massad Ayoob: Short answers against Gun Control &amp; how to defend the 2nd Amendment. Critical Mas EP47 <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media &amp; video sites... -

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Mark E
Mark E
2 years ago

I like this guy, he speaks plain English!

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

How to defend 2A = Tell your brother and cousin the Gov simps to quit the military and police. These are the goons who will steal your property. Even if it's your own blood relatives. "Just following ze orders."

2 years ago

And so you’re suggesting to relinquish the military and the police to the enemy as your battle plan to win? What exactly are you trying to fucking say here? It just sounds like you made up some words and threw it out.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@Heavyhand: Yes just like cleaning up Chicago street gangs who act just like the police and military. They live off your tax dollars while practicing a life of crime.

2 years ago

@Toki: The police and military or essential for civilized life. You’re not clear with your point. In the absence of these institutions there will be something else to fill the void. I would rather fill military and police with good men with moral compass.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@Heavyhand: That's the problem though. Good people don't sign up for positions of authority. 1% of them are OK people. When it comes to military it needs to be every single country resigning otherwise of course the obvious problem would arise. Also If I practiced the same actions as a US solider going to the Middle East. I would be arrested for murder and theft. You're also ignoring how the Govs use men as these solider slaves to fulfill their evil wishes. Police can be handled by good men without it being a full time job. The important part is how the world is growing in population so the police and military will naturally become more selfish as less resources are available. You must live in some fictional fantasy country I guess? I can't get on a plane and take a firearm with me to another country. But the Gov will pay me to do so if it benefits the overlords and I get a little crumbs from my efforts. How does this not calculate for you? These two jobs also ruin women. Women sell themselves to Gov thugs because they know they are making good money and are forced into working without being able to just quit. The police are doing a terrible job as well. They farm traffic citation revenue, and guard the mayors house. But they don't stop ghetto crime and do not serve the average working male tax slave at all. Proving my point of useless police are they now pay women to be coppers and fill roles in military service. It's just welfare and stealing from taxpayers. If I don't pay taxes the police come get me. My taxes go to pay them. That's stealing because the police do nothing for me but get in my way when I'm trying to get to work. If someone breaks into my home and steals my valuables the police won't care. They don't work for males and Caucasian males to be exact. Unless I was a governor or something. If I refuse to pay my annual vehicle sticker tax they steal my car even though it's my car. Meanwhile they ignore real criminals. Many coppers are out strolling downtown looking for hookers they can coerce into free services or they arrest them for soliciting. You must live in a small town with honest small time cops and I wish I did to. But I don't. If the police did their job they would have arrested Biden, Macron, Xiping, Kim Jon, etc. The police and military are the corrupt king's men who abuse the serfs and shake them down for more taxes. Somali pirates = police. Al Qadea = police. Mongolian horde = military. Gestapo = police and military. Police in my country even wear shiny black uniforms. The US presidents personal military guard = the SS

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