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Meet the So-Called Independent Alternative Media - Dig into RUMBLE
You think there are all these individual freedom fighters making video content on 'alternative media'? A lot of these people are under contract - but who pulls the strings? My website for support and contact: <br>Thank you to everyone who has contributed, commented, subscribed and shared! <br> <br>#tucker #altmedia #dailywire #peterson #viva #crowder #thiel #venturecapital #NSA #pharma #amazingpolly
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2 years ago
I don't trust any sort of Media anymore.... whether it's rightwing, leftwing, independent, establishment or whatever... I now only watch content creators that are either shadow-banned, whose algorithms are being F'd with by the small-hat-people, who don't sell stuff (unless it's a book for $10 or less) and who aren't monetized.
2 years ago
Yo Amr, what's going on with the supposed leprosy outbreak in Florida? Is that shit real or more fake news?
2 years ago
2 years ago
Everything is controlled opposition. I wonder who bank rolls Alex Jones?
2 years ago
2 years ago
George Carlin said about the people that control the world: it's a big club and we ain't in it.
2 years ago
She forgot to talk about Tim Poole.
2 years ago