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Melbourne Australia - Police attack unarmed 70 year old woman slammed to ground pepper sprayed

138 Views • 09/19/21

The cunts have already shoved her over backwards, and speaking as an ex skateboard rider, she has smacked her head hard enough on the concrete and steel tram rail, to probably not cause a concussion, fracturing or internal bleeding, but it's certainly hard enough to be approaching that, and to make her skull ring - to black out from the stunning and shock, and then while she is down and lying there, coming too from the head crash, TWO of these coppers go up and both of them spray the old broad in the face at close range with pepper spray. That is absolutely fucked and it's gutless.

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See one of the things that excites me is designing production lines... and also there is an issue that every advantage also has it's disadvantage - or there are multiples of each, and combinations of each, all the way.
While the cops can entrap and corral people in a cutting - as a sort of ambush, they can also be entrapped and corralled in the same cutting.
The advantages and disadvantages work both ways.
This is why it pays not to misuse your position or resources.
Also while things are at a low yield stage, where the cops are being pricks and the people who pay their wages are saying, "This whole mandatory communist Global Depopulation Blood Clot Shot is bullshit and we are not wearing it" - the polices strategies are based upon the assertions of passiviity and "reasonable" compliance, however in a situation such as a large group of police in that cutting - effectively trapping themselves too - what would have happened if there had of been a premeditated situation where at least 2 people with decent semi automatic weapons, had opened fire from behind some solid objects, into the crowd of police - from each side of the cutting, and the police would have been mown down, from the end of the cutting all the way back as they retreated.

I mean the police are effectively acting as mass murderers in making the population compliant with taking a toxin that will end everyone's lives, and when their bullying and their heavy handed actions for the corrupt police management and government, start to really sink in and people really start to stand up for themselves, by refusing to be wholesale slaughtered, or to be bullied into it, then the assumed passivity of the general population will back fire really badly and people will think and act in terms of assassinate or be assassinated.

Then the thinking will be strategic and the planning will be methodical, not sporadic and opportunistic.

Corruption and intimidation will only carry their cause so far, until the issues of resolving injustice by reprisals, assumes a greater magnitude than it does now.


3 years ago

Although the logistics would be tricky, an effective weapon against large groups of cops would be to throw (or catapult) a hornet's nest into their midst. Somebody would have to get the nest at night, carefully pack it in a container that will stay intact but break when it is throw into the midst of the cops and breaks on the ground. and the hornets, themselves, must not be trapped in the container for too long. Maybe the nest container can be fitted with radio controlled explosives that will only blast hard enough to shatter the container but not stun the hornets. A million angry hornets suddenly released among the cops would be epic!


@InfiniteMushroom: A couple of weeks back, the cops were live firing rubber bullets into the crowd at point blank range, outside of parliament house.....


3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Can hornet nests be easily found in Australia? Seriously, somebody needs to carry out my idea of using a catapult to launch a hornet nest at the cops. Of course, this would be part of a special protest where everybody will know when to pull back when the projectile containing the hornet nest is launched!


@InfiniteMushroom: Yes we are blessed with the Yellow Jacket / European Wasp / thing.... but this is escalating to low level warfare - where the population are about to start using guns back on the cops...


3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I didn't think the Australians had access to guns. Launching hornets and wasps into the cops is an attack that cannot be answered. A million angry hornets can do what a few Aussies with guns cannot do! Who will the cops arrest when they are getting stung and chased off by the hornets? That's why I think it's the best first move.


@InfiniteMushroom: Kudos for good reasons..... Lets go dig up a few nests... Have you ever been stung by one? A friend many years ago, said it was like being stabbed by a big red hot sewing needle.... This as I found out by accident, is actually true.


@InfiniteMushroom: Yeah shit loads of fun......


I think the shuttle cock raquets would be a good defence... if there was only a few of them....


3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I work outdoors in Public Works and, when I was new to the job, I got stung because I didn't know how to look out for them. Now I do. I'd prefer to get a free hanging hornet's nest first. I wouldn't dig up a Yellow Jacket nest just because you'd lose more wasps and end up with a lot of useless dirt. I've envisioned a projectile that can be placed over the nest opening to capture as many of the wasps as possible. That same projectile will be launched against the cops and should shatter on impact. If you have an electronics tech, rig up a radio-controlled M-80 explosive to shatter it if it fails to do so. Yes, I have given much thought to this. Always wear a bee suit in any case when getting the "warhead" material!


3 years ago

Dear Australia, drive trucks of freedom right over those fucking pigs !!! Learn from the muslims !!!!


3 years ago

Let the TALIBAN show us the way! Did they sue for their right to rule in Afghanistan? Did they waste time filling out online petitions? Did they write their members of Parliament? Did the Taliban do the peaceful protest thing and talk of loving their enemies? FUCK NO! The Taliban slogged it out for 20 years and finally wore down ZOG-U.S.!!! The Taliban EARNED their right to rule and are bringing true LAW and ORDER back to Afghanistan. Women are put in their place; out of government and out of the schools. The Jew-feminist filth we vomited upon them is being rapidly cleaned up. Hurrah for the Taliban!


3 years ago

Send guns to australia so they can rise up against these tyrants.

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

I half agree, but the aussies should have been a tad more careful when they VOTED to give up their guns! And look what happened right afterwards, I sincerely hope that the people of America are paying attention to all of this! But they're probably not!


3 years ago

@bigintol03: Unfortunately, We The Sheeple are dutifully wearing masks, regurgitating the CDC propaganda, and learning to be good slaves of the Jew World Order. The spirit of mindless OBEDIENCE I'm seeing everywhere is nauseating.

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I can't possibly scream AMEN loud enough!

3 years ago

Big men against a women old enough to be their mother with their pepper spray cans. I'd shove those cans up their butt holes sideways - f*ucking wankers!

3 years ago

If someone did that to one of my parents I would murder every last cop at the station.


Yeah they don't seem to understand that kicking an old person who is down, or spraying them in the face with pepper spray - with TWO of them doing it, a) Is not a good or necessary thing to do, and b) that when other people see this, they may feel justified in hunting them down and killing them - or at least they will be contemplating outcomes in that direction. This old broad is lying on the ground - stunned after cracking her skull on the steel rail / concrete and she is even less of a threat to them, than when she was standing up... This is clearly a cunts act.

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