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Men Don't Want Relationships Because Women Require Emotional Labor & Time - MGTOW
Sponsor Link: The Chubby Gourmet <br> <br> <br>Why Many Men Don't Want A Relationship: Women Require Emotional Labor and Time Investment <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to talk about a video I recently ran into called: "Why Many Men Don't Want A Relationship: Women Require Emotional Labor and Time Investment" And the woman Scharzad Morgan is a female chameleon because the idea wasn't even hers but she heard some guy discussing this on his YouTube channel and so she decided to parrot it. She says that a woman doesn't need to give anything up when she's in a relationship except time and maybe cooking. But eventually over time many women those things off from a man while she continues to get his time and emotional energy because he loves her and provides those servies. Morgan said that in a relationship a woman doesn't have to give up anything. That women love the emotional connection of a man. I see it more as emotional control. Why do you think that men that walk away from the sexual marketplace anger women so much. Besides resources and attention we also take away their emotional connection. Morgan also says that a man has to extend emotional effort and time in a relationship and usually this is in exchange for sex. He has to spend time with her. He has to want the relationship and that women love relationships. We all know that a woman demands a man's emotional attention and connection. For men it's a tradeoff but for women it's not. Usually the only <br>thing a man asks for in return is sex and cooking and the guy usually puts up with it when she stops doing that. I've never been in a relationship where a woman tried cutting off sex. If she did I would be out the door. But I also come into a relationship like a tornado smothering a woman with more intense attention and conversation than she's ever felt in any relationship before. Most women are not prepared for that intensity. I suspect they feared losing that so they gladly gave up sex for it. But Morgan says that women don't have to give up anything to have a relationship and they have more to gain than men. That women feel better when they are connected. I agree. They self destruct when they aren't in a relationship and they shine when they are in one. She also says some women are emotionally clingy so they cut guys off from his relationships with his family and friends. Yeah one woman tried doing that to me and I cut her out of my life. The really interesting thing about Morgan is that here we have a woman sharing women's secrets with men out there. For views, money, attention and money no doubt as that video probably made her $500 dollars if it was monetized. It's her most viewed video. She also monetizes as a dating coach which seems to be her main source of online income. My favorite part is when she says that women are like puppies. They are a big emotional, financial and time investments that they you the man are responsible for and you have to keep taking care of them even when are no longer with you. At least with the dog you mourn and get a box full of ashes. The bottom line is a men's responsibility is greater in a relationship than a woman's to a man. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Chubby Gourmet: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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1 tahun yang lalu
So many reasons to become a muslim
1 tahun yang lalu
sympathies for your phone paranoia, I hope you have separate phone numbers for business, personal and 2FA
1 tahun yang lalu
i think most men want loyalty, companionship, and a sense of family. . this was the average years ago but since whaman push the narrative of strong and empowered all that has done is split the family unit. have no choice to walk away if there is no benefit. . .i would think if whaman had understood honor and accountability then it would be possible for men to communicate better with them on a realistic level. ....but since whaman are always right and men are just idiots then it leaves men no choice but to walk away.. .if a man is unable to communicate with his partner the frustration leads to anger and resentment. ...whaman will never learn in my opinion if they keep looking at things THEY want and need verses what her man or her family might need. ..whaman on average are too selfish to have a man or a family for that matter.. . .( whaman = waste of time ) to many of us that is.
1 tahun yang lalu
1 tahun yang lalu
1 tahun yang lalu
Family cookbooks have all but disappeared. Maybe that's because we no longer have multi-generational homes, but it used to be a prized heirloom that all the women of the family wanted
Recipes for infants, for very old people, men with large appetites, convalescing from illness, and for feasts and special occasions. It was literally the product of a lifetime of service, effort, skill and love towards your family. All gone.
1 tahun yang lalu
1 tahun yang lalu
Most men would do much better with a best friend who share the same interest and to hang out with and experience life together instead of some Bitch, that will surely bring drama and chaos and frustration into his life. However, the only problem with that is. Most men today are extremely addicted to pussy. So they trade off their mental health, money and over all well being just to fuck a few night a week. If that often. I believe the saying. "Once a child twice a child". Boys naturally,early on have a, aversion and heightened sense of the dangers and drama of girls. Then Puberty hits, they get a dose to Testosterone and it all changes. He then begins to simp behind females. As he gets older. Maybe into his 50's and beyond. Testosterone decreases and he slowly reverts back to how he were as a child. caring less and less about pussy and females. And would rather be alone or with his boys doing his own thing.
1 tahun yang lalu