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Men Got Tired Of Women

498 Views • 05/15/21
921 Subscribers

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4 years ago

Hey Amr, always glad to hear you use Islamic words and phrases to describe women and the evil they do. I'm sure the Hadith has more to say on women as well. I'm not Muslim but, some parts are intriguing and even feasible.

All we know is what the Zionist Kike Jews tell us and, to hear useful information that happens to be Islamic is refreshing. JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity) is in total ruin and has lost ALL credibility. That leaves Islam as the only other functioning large-scale paradigm and we need to hear bits and pieces of it to encourage further investigation. For the West, a variant called White Islam is promising but, few know about it. Hearing an Islamic take on things will cause beleaguered Whites to discover White Islam and use it to fight their way out of the Jew World Order prison.

I'm sure the Muslim world can interact with White Islam better than the ZOG / Jewdeo-Xtian /Jew World Order tyranny currently running the West.


4 years ago

One of your best videos brother !!!

4 years ago

Our Gas in the UK is about 8 or 9 US Dollar's a Gallon or 6 0r 7 Pounds Sterling (on Average). mind you my little motorcycle can do 150 mpg at highway speeds all day! lol! I don't fill it up I only TOP it up about once a month! usually about £4 to £5 or about $8 I guess?


4 years ago

I make up to $90 an hour working from my home. My story is that I quit working at Walmart to work online and with a little effort I easily bring in around $40h to $86h… Someone was good to me by sharing this link with me, so now i am hoping i could help someone else out there by sharing this link... Try it, you won't regret it! ________


4 years ago

What I'd like to know is the actual COST of pumping the North Sea oil, refining, and packaging the product for market? Once that's discovered, how much of that markup is TAXES, how much goes to Jewish skimming, and how much is going into Big Oil's cocaine and whores fund?

4 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Figures for 2 years ago at least show that for evert £1 Sterling spent on petrol or Gasoline, 65p opr pence of that is tax. to the government, so every pound YOU spend a t rthe pump 65p goes to the UK Government? It could be more and I doubt it's less from when these figures were released. This is why Forecourts have independent shops on them now. The Oil companies don't get much either but considering Petroleum is a waste product of Oil I guess they somehow make on it some where down the pipeline? i did an massive course on OIL and Petrol in college back in the 1990's and a lot was revealed about the pump side of the industry to me? I also got a "Distinction?" for my work and trouble. I've also dne well in the fact I now own a Small but reliable Motorcycle that does 145 - 150MPG and at Highway or Motorway speed's a direct event due to the knowledge I discovered? Ther bike has a 3.2 Gallon tank so I top it up about once a month if that?

4 years ago

Like it! I'm gonna use the new MGTOW wording! Easier to remember as well and a touch of humor?


Youtube: Type in searches for "fist fucking" - "Huge dildos" and "gaping cunts" - and it's all on Youtube......

So is "anal bleaching".

Type in things like "feminists are arseholes / retards / idiots" = banned / hate speech / sexism or things of that general nature - it's all gone.

So fuck Susan Willyoujizzinme.

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