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Men Want To Be Slaves To Women? - MGTOW

322 Views • 02/25/21
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I enjoy all your presentations.. I really dont have any questions because I'm 60 now, divorced, and I know the program. But I thought it would be funny if you did a video on the topic of male slavery around the idea of the slogan work will set you free from those evil weight loss camps from ww2 where our wonderful cupcakes are keeping us, imprisoned as slaves, bound in the camp of our choice. LOL maybe you could put in a pic of a female ww2 officer beating up some poor bugger? lol My whorenado came self inflicted. In 2003 I went to Russia and immigrated a bride who was almost ok at first, but she had all the ingredients of a financial abuser and after three years of financial abuse I got an amicable divorce. I got that divorce because when the fighting got nearly out of control, she threatened to call the police. In five minutes I was at the sheriffs office filing a domestic abuse report against her, because my shirt was torn and I had scratches on my face. I'm a big guy so she never had a chance of beating me up but the whole thing was laughable. lol...cheers.
PS... Her previous hubby was a five foot nothing, 90 pound weakling. Look for me on Linkedin" Well John thanks for the donation and topic. I won't look you up on Linkedin because you can see who looks you up on there and see their profile. When I started erasing myself from the internet a number of years ago the first thing I did was delete my Linkedin profile so that I wouldn't be tempted to look at the profiles of others and accidentally give away my identity. As for men being slaves to women. Our psychology is such that we are free in our unfreedom. Mental and physical work will actually set us free from our minds and bodies eating themselves. Biologically we are slaves looking for a master and they are masters looking for slaves. Once we find something else to enslave ourselves with to that sets us free we become free of them. Anyways, I'll discuss what that something else is in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. As I was saying as men if we don't use our minds for a purpose greater than our own or enslave ourselves to something or someone outside ourselves we tend to get depressed, nihilistic and maybe even suicidal. Again, we are free in our unfreedom but to attract a mate to be consumed by her we have to display a high level of intelligence before we get married and turn into Homer Simpson. I think of married men as once being butterflies but once they settle down into a long-term relationship and fall in love they turn into caterpillers. It's a metamorphisis to a lower form of intelligence for the sake of reproduction. Or a man's mind is like peacock feathers and once he attracts a mate his intellect is no longer needed so it falls away because it's no longer mating season. A peacock loses his feathers quickly at the end of mating season and they are usually gone in a week after mating. Why wouldn't the male mind be the same way? The brain afterall is the most expensive organ in the human body energy wise and the more intelligent a male is the more likely he is to provide resources for a woman so his intelligence needs to be on display. What if inventors like Nikola Tesla went mad from using their minds too much instead of settling down and getting mad. I know that I can't be creative or write very well when I'm in love. It's as if my IQ drops ten to twenty points. I know the moment I'm free of relationships my intelligence is restored no doubt to attract a mate. When I find one I'm a happy, stupid slave to her.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

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9 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

One slight modification. Men don't need to be slaves to anything. What you experience is the DNA command to work. Written in our DNA is the desire to do something, anything. The 500 pound glob of goo knocking out the next level on a video game is the same as a multi-billionaire developer designing a new property, its work. One is useless and one is useful, but both are work. Men must work at something, even if its working at nothing all day, as the song says, aka "Taking Care Of Business" . Do the song search, forgot the band that did it.


4 years ago

men, make sure you always benefit from any interaction you have with a female. never be their slave.

4 years ago

It seems you finally put into words how men learn to be whole and complete by themselves and simply enjoy existence, instead of needing to be human doings or a disposable utility for something or someone. But for me this is also backed by never wanting children, and that's pretty foundational. I don't see how man can still want or wish to be fathers 'if things were differen' and also discard the imprinted blueprint of men to be enslaved, that desire for unfreedom. Watching Stardusk's old videos on the subject shunning procreation goes hand in hand with shedding the desire for undreedom. Maybe this is the source of Sandman's cognitive dissonance, he'd be happier as an antinatalist.

4 years ago

its amazing how women are plantation owners and men try every day to please them. how they manipulate is quite tricky. the best thing i ever did is to walk away and i have gained so much time and money not serving on that relationship plantation. drop the mic and walk on your own wont be sorry.


4 years ago

I would like a future like this:

4 years ago

now that's a channel I haven't seen in a long time. (Red Shift, not the translator)

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