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MGTOW's have become the NPC's of the Manosphere.
#MGTOW #Incels #Manosphere
Sadly MGTOW's have become the NPC's of the Manopshere. Not all MGTOW of course, but the cancer or incels, spergs, men stuck in the red pill rage, and alt right wackos have taken over the MGTOW space.
I apologize for the previous upload. I put the wrong audio track in for the background music, instead of the potted down version.
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4 years ago
What did I just stumbled upon here?
Well I never care about the politics & dramas within the MGTOW sphere. I thought the entire point is to break away & find yourself. I didn't see anything wrong with what is said here. You're not supposed to be a fanboy. Because you're not going your own way, you're following someone's footstep.
But then, maybe you're young, lost & confused youth & you're looking for someone to teach you about how to deal with the big bad monsters out there. Grizzly may be hard. But remember what did the monkey say? A broken clock is still right twice a day. Just because a word is unsavoury to your ears, doesn't mean it's all lies. We all could use a bit of harsh truths every now & then. I didn't know most of the characters being talked about here. But I did noticed 1 & I think he's right about him. I didn't bother to confront that individual because I don't care to.
But instead of bitch slapping each other, why not try to imrpove each other?
4 years ago
My beard is a messs. I respect its being itself.
4 years ago
4 years ago
That said, the increasingly incendiary expressions of MGTOW is a natural response to the increasing awareness of the increasing insanity of feminism and the resulting societal breakdown. MGTOW is rising up to meet and FIGHT the madness and Grizzly doesn't get it.
The early MGTOW messengers had the time and space to form up the core doctrines and put it up to guide millions of lost men to the Light of MGTOW Truth. It should be no surprise that the millions of damaged men who flock to the Light will also have horror stories of their own. The Red Pill Rage MUST HAPPEN and Grizzly should not disparage those who are not only cleansing themselves but, aiding other men to cleanse themselves of the Jewish filth and feminist leeches clinging to their souls.
Grizzly, I get your attempt to parse things out but, you're grinding things too finely and your claws are getting dulled and rounded off as a result.
4 years ago
Attempts to discredit an argument by inferring that YOU are making yourself the example is just more (((greasy lawyer fuckery))). Arguments against social dysfunction always rest in a standard that is apart from both the critic and the audience.
Therefore, it doesn't matter at all whether Grizzly is a physically healthy bear or not. He is personally NOT the standard but, he POINTS TO IT. The standard is apart from him and is not individual. It is a collective conclusion that is made up of countless parts and held up by History.
Now,,,, that same collective conclusion has many parts and even Grizzly doesn't see them all. I've noticed Grizzly is averse to those hidden parts; which contain the most bitter lessons in that great whole. Indeed, the masses have been given the Pavlovian treatment to never NAME (((THEM))).
Still, Grizzly is pointing in the right direction and that will suffice for now.
4 years ago
Grizzly, don't delete the comments, it will more than likely cause an chain reaction of folks creating response videos.
Though I do believe your video has some valid points, deleting comments just makes you look as bad as the very SJW behavior you are criticizing.