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Mgtow dictionary vs Jack Peterson and 5'4'' stream re-upload (heated argument too spicy for youtube)
• 05/09/21
112 Subscribers
MD vs Jack peterson on turning gay. even tho it's hilarious can't upload this shit on youtube.
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3 years ago
Mgtowdictionary is actually gay
4 years ago
I really wish i was on here, because i would love to have bought up the Extreme amount of Hypocrisy and mind blowing shit i've noticed here, and Particularly with a lot of guys today. Without going into too much. It's the confusion of How females are Utterly Obliterating, destroying, false accusing, imprisoning and literally driving men to the brink of Suicide, Yet when you hear some of these same men speak about sodomites/gays.. their energy, emotions and Venom towards them is like something you've never seen. to the Point it's confusing and would have to ask them, are they sure they've dated females, because they ssem to have far more hatred and negative emotions towards sodomite/gay men, whom they claim not to every dealt with or associate with, than they do for the females that continually literally fucked them over in life.. This is why i say a lot of men today really have unstable mental, psychological and emotional issues. How does one reconcile this Huge hypocrisy other than conclude that most of these men are female worshipers and pussy worshipers who believe it is a Sin and Abomination to bring heat directly to the female that fucked them over, but instead seek out a more vulnerable or less protected person or group to unleash their anger and venom on. and like i said, I've seen this soooo much in life that i call it a phenomenon.
3 years ago
3 years ago
4 years ago
When was this? last year
4 years ago
4 years ago
I agree with MGTOW Dictionary.
If MGTOW or incels turn to other men for sex, they have to be bisexual as a minimum.
I would have preferred that MGTOW Dictionary was less aggressive and less abusive.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
This is hilarious how delusional this guy Jack is. MD is ripping this guy apart. If scribe was there this would have been a massacre