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MGTOW in Films by Man Woman Myth
• 02/25/21
362 Subscribers
#MGTOW #Philosophy #RedPill
A Brilliant video by ManWomanMyth who is no longer on youtube thought I would share it
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4 years ago
MAGNUM FORCE--The character portrayed by Clint Eastowood would not compromise his principles even for other men.
That character, particularly as portrayed in that movie, proved compelling in molding me as a young adult. (The servile 'cog-in-The-Machine' perspective on life, however, was an aspect I learned to discard).
Psychologists (at present) condemn uncompromising, steadfast standing of principles, using the derogatory designation, 'black-'n-white thinking', stressing that such modus operandi is delimiting and auto-destructive.
'Leftists' refer to such adherence to principles as, 'Nazism'.
By that logic, uncompromising MGTOW are NAZIs bent on logic, order, and the subversion of a culture that is all-inclusive (collectivism).
Heil MGTOW Übermensch
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Jango Fett, Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Every classic Bond villan, classic Bond (Connery- Brosnan) as Craig struck me as more an anti-Bond, Batman (all sidekicks, villans, and associates). Damn, the signs were there- marriage as I found out too late- is an indentured servitude to the state with the "wife" these days serving as the in house agent. None of the cool ones were married.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Control one's self and the world will follow be an animal on a leash and lose all.
4 years ago
i think al bundy belongs to the list as well. he keeps peggy at bay by controlling the sex.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I remember all these, thanks for the reminders that going your own way has always been the best life.