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MGTOW Is A Waste Of Time
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Drake and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Please don't take this the wrong way but I have listened to you and other Red Pillers and MGTOW for 5 years and I know this movement is a dead end. You're wasting your time and in the long run hurting men. I read the original Rational Male book and have listened to Red Pill content for years. I have a complete critique of your entire platform for free called Forty Theses Against the Modern Men’s Movements(MMM) A New Pre-Industrial Community. Ted Kaczynski was substantially correct." Well Drake thanks for the donation and topic. I'm not going to share a link to your writing in the description because YouTube has already banned you for being anti-semetic. So I'm not going to risk linking to something you say incase they try to censor me too. From what I get from you're writing you're against industrialization, the Jewish people but also you're for religion or Christianity and family values. So basically he wants to go back to some romantic time in history when we lived an idealic agricultural existance full of outhouses, no antibiotics, self-reliance and a world where if you didn't go to the village church you would be shamed. You're right Drake that industrial societies have led to most of the problems men in the men's movements out there face. Especially because technologies like electricity have freed women from manual labor. But would you really want the alternative? A quick and painful death. Just to give you some examples when I was in my early twenties I had to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed because they were giving me headaches and if I didn't have access to a medical saw to cut through my jaw to get them out they probably would have gotten infected and I might have died. Before anti-biotics 30% of people died from infections. But also before industrialization there was little to no cancer. Up until modern industrial farming heart disease was unheard of because vitamin k2 from grass fed beef protected us by getting rid of the calcification of our arteries. But I can choose to supplement with vitamin K2 to make up for the K2 I'm not getting by not eating grass fed beef. The solutions for all the problems industrial technology create are out there but most solutions are being suppressed by industries trying to profit from our ignorance. Don't blame industrialization for your problems and lack of purpose. Just because you've been robbed of a wife that works churning butter and a career putting manure on fields doesn't mean that it would be a better life. Sure industrial societies weaken men and dumb us down. We get happy and fat. We are passified through virtual putas. You are against technologies like electricity and computers. So you would be against Nikola Tesla and anyone that creates technology that robs men and women of the power process, which gives them true fullfilment. I'll discuss more of that you say in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:
11 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.
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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""
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5 years ago
Mgtow is good .All average women and above are whores .I can fuck whenever i want .Be healthy ,hit the gym ,wrap your snake ,have a rotation of women or go to brothels ,it's less risky .Oneitis and romance are bullshits .Children are owned by the system now because both parents work ,these kids will become leftists and failures ,so mgtow is the only safe choice for men nowadays .
5 years ago
without jewish funding at best feminism would be delayed by only 5 years which is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things women have the natural monopoly of reproduction which could easily create something like feminism gradually any jewish funding if at all would be effectibly meaningless also i think trad thot women are throwing the jews under the bus so they do not take responsibillity
5 years ago
jewish men could be usefull for the mgtows the jews have good economic skill sets usefull for us and there is proof that judaism has almost no effects on feminism
5 years ago
No it isn't.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
Both are confusing and missing some key points, one which is that modern agriculture is perhaps the biggest and certainly the most confounding and posterior profound mistake the human race ever fully committed to since it's adoption. Even some rather semi-intelligent scholars has touched vaguely on the topics. The false convenience of this error has in time manifested far beyond the small initial benefit into an inherent societal blind spot which for thousands of years has directly enabled catastrophic and contentious chaos by way of it's very own inflated endemics.