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MGTOW is for Normal Men Brandon Trueblood goes on on one with Hammerhand
• 10/28/23
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1 year ago
Remember women are the puppet's. everything that women use to hate on MEN is a direct "Trigger" of their own inverted problem's, because women can NEVER fes up to ANYTHING they use MEN as a scapegoat to BLAME. and Guy's stop listening to them, plus by blaming and deriding MEN the fefail does itself no favor's and yet they sit their crying on video's saying they cant find a GOOD MAN, is it any wonder when all they do is FUCK us off. They also are ignorant to the fact when a MAN doesn't get the result he wants he WILL move on, that is why MEN invented everything we have today. Women can now sit there and cry all they want in front of ME, and I will simple spit on them and walk away. Women have destroyed the Empathy that MEN once had (Not the fefail) they never had the Empathy, but the MEN did. You have to remember Guy's WOMEN are really fucking DUMB, now gynocentrism or the Matriarchy has been unleashed on the world you can see the result of the pathetic women everyday. since all these LEFTARD got a grip you can noticeable see the world and society collapsing before your very eyes.
1 year ago
MGTOW has plenty of fefail infiltrator's, by that I mean MGTOW channels. They have to be there because they are WEAK and Jealous that although they have more than fefails have EVER had, it's never enough.
1 year ago
It's the system that has removed humanity from the Normal things. Animals fuck procreate and of the go and do the same elsewhere from time in memorial. It is only the curse of money and governance that had destroyed the norm. Living today has become BEYOND normal in the traditional sense. I'm not religious but I think the ANTI CHRIST is Tech because it is destroying everything 24/7. Everyone (not me) has the mark of the beast in their palm it's called a smartphone there's an inversion for you! lol! every moron today needs instant gratification, but that gratification isn't for anything constructive or useful but just mush and brain numbing CRAP, I don' have any need for a cellphone at all. Yes I have a PC, but that is for intelligent research and useful stuff and not SHIT like funny Cat's or any other type of time wasting crap. I'm a Stoic I like to learn and I like to do the best with my time, that is why I'm righting this because it is time well spent listening and commenting to you guy's. OK i watch the odd movie! lol!
1 year ago
Women could NEVER be in MGTOW. Here's their very own word's that cut their own throats. I'm a Strong Independent Women, I don't NEED no MAM, yeh right~! lol! Until you CUNT's need a MAN that is and you think you are Entitled to have a MAN help you? FUCK OFF! We have all heard about the lame attempt that failed doe women to form WGTOW, hah! whatever happened to that LEMON some years ago! lol! Women CANNOT do anything alone or by themselves because they are lazy and just do not have the accumin or mind set to be "INDEPENDENT, they are pure Collectivist's they need other's to support them. Women to day are less FREE than they were 200 years ago. Women are no longer Feminine, if I wanted to have a relationSHIT with a none feminine women I may just as well be HOMOSEXUAL. but being a MENTALLY NORMAL guy I no longer require sex or validation to put it another way from anyone. I do WTF I like when I like. Mt time, money and MIND ara ALL mine and mine alone.
1 year ago
One place a women or their faggot friends cant get into is a REAL MAN's Mind and brain unless HE is dumb enough o let them because little HEAD is frustrated. Women no longer really have SEX as a weapon or to them a virtue,It doesn't work that way. Gender is NOT that easily got round by saying you feel like a women so you need to get your dick removed or something. If you are born MALE or Fefail operatio's ans surgery does nothing because you are just a Guy with your junk chopped off? am I saying this right? Basically women cant get to YOU unless YOU let them.