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• 07/22/21
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4 years ago
I'm thinking ..., yep, CUCK is about right.
4 years ago
You hear what he's saying? He's sleeping on the sofa a few days a week, whilst she's getting ploughed in the bedroom. In the same house, under the same roof. CGA had a fantastic meme on one of his videos, called 'Blue Pill Rage'. Both this guy and the dude in the title of the Blue Pill Rage video look very similar. And they are dangerous. No joke, Red pilled men are less dangerous to society than blue pilled cucks.
4 years ago
You are a fucking CUCK ! STD`s someone ?!
4 years ago
Lol, the idiot probably has no idea what the word means. What an idiot LOL he proves you right in the same sentence as he denies it.
4 years ago
This pathetic excuse for a man is a CUCK!!! Also he means NOTHING to his ( so called girlfriend. ) Maybe he likes kissing her after Tyrone blows his nuts in her mouth. This dude deserves ZERO respect from any man, and he sure isn't getting respect from his girlfriend. Imagine her, and Chad laughing behind his back at how stupid he is when she buys them stuff with HIS money, and when she tells him she doesn't like giving blowjobs, but can't wait to gag on Tyrone cock.
He is the dictionary definition of a CUCKOLD.