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MGTOW Men are Everywhere - Women are Total WOKE Shit and it's Common Knowledge
• 06/14/23
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2 years ago
Women have no loyalty to their country, their men, their race, their religion. They only care about what they want, when they want it and what they want is black dick. So they import the entire 3rd world, destroy their entire country but that's what it takes to get even with their own fathers, husbands and bosses so thats what they will do.
2 years ago
It's what I have been hearing from men all around the world here on this site and on the internet - like as if women are the NEW Buboic Plaguge 2.0 - I know guys who their sons refuse to date girls - because all the girls are ALL so fucked in the head - and then just hearing this from my friend today..... WOW - Women have really overplayed their hands...... These lying parasites have fucked themselves RIGHT UP.
Men Going Their Own Way --- AND ---- Men Guarding Their Own Wallets
2 years ago
2 years ago
I have no problem weith women beibng FUCKING SHIT, as long as they are NOT trying to FUCK ME! MGTOWQ is becoming well known in the uk. There are plenty of MEN that when you mention the feminist view of women today they will instantly quote Red Pill or MGTOW issues and laugh of the women as Idio''s and whores! lol! that is until the wife comes back from the dairy product isle in the supermarket!
2 years ago
Looks like men are finally waking's about damn time! Your friend is 100% spot-on!
2 years ago
God damn... The title said it all lol
2 years ago