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MGTOW Response To Black Pigeon Speaks
• 06/06/20
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4 years ago
And Raven dropped the mic with a thunder with what he thinks about it.
Raven, why do they do that to themselves??? Don't they understand that scepters are handed down in families, and the rest, from Trump to this birdie trumpet to the last bald ice-cream vendor, are just the king's dogs in a leash ? Why brown-nose ? Glory ? Fame ? Furburger ? Why ?
4 years ago
Ok, so I'm breaking into empath's rage here, cannot watch video with all the bitches wiggling there.
Minimizing window, going audio only.
pig eon does it on purpose
so he's no man's hero
that's him
I like his style, but I sniffed out his game.
4 years ago
Minute 8:35 Ding Ding Ding Ding SOPHISM ALLERT !!! "many times they are the result of incentives" N frucking O !!! Impulses, drives, needs, requirements, so freaking on. Is thirst an incentive, or a need ? Wat does the Webster say ? So BPS says we are naturally on remote control ? Oh, you little devil you, are you playing the pseudo maverick that's secretly a government agent injecting mind control into impressionable young bucks ? yes, you are ? Does Fido want a bon-bon ? Oel ngati kameie, baby!
4 years ago
Raven, I'll have to watch this one twice, maybe 3 times over to just comment the point of it, because my brain just commented a thousand comments in some minutes by now.... but just from the start.... just a j away from oink ? Smooth, man ! Yea, back to watching it.
5 years ago
I watch and enjoy BPS's work. I remember watching this one and, to be fair, BPS did make it clear that he was explaining how he hadn't understood MGTOW, had done some research, and had changed his initial negative, blue-pill opinion a little. He acknowledges that many of MGTOWs points are fair and reasonable, and that women have created a rod for their own backs. In a few more years, as he continues to see the harm caused by feminism (which he has made many videos about, particularly with regard to SE Asian culture), BPS will become increasingly and inevitably red pilled, IMHO.
4 years ago