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MGTOW Toxicity & Anti-MGTOW Inconsistency

35 Views • 05/26/21
14 Subscribers

⁣⁣Sharing my thoughts and opinions about how much a problem toxic behavior in the MGTOW community has become. Also, I will be addressing an important issue facing the Anti-MGTOW YouTube community. I actually recorded this video before the other videos I recently posted which is why I talk about not posting in awhile. I also want to give an apology for not posting last week. I had some personal things going on.

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[Channel Intro Music]

Crusade Heavy Industry by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to a 13 second segment (part of the original soundtrack used - 00:04:18-00:17:00), Fade in 1 second & Fade out 1.40 seconds

[Channel Outro Music]

Village Consort by Kevin MacLeod

Modifications: Soundtrack cut to 15 second segment (part of the original soundtrack used - 00:05:09-00:20:21), Fade in 1.42 seconds & Fade out 1.13 seconds

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3 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

Red pill rage is a "Temporary" venting stage most M.G.T.O.W go through. It is a response to harsh, or unjust treatment by women, or the system that supports, and even incentivizes bad behaviors for cash, and prizes. Anger is the PROPER response to unjust systematic conditions. Dismissal of their anger as "Whining", or refusal to acknowledge the testimonies of these men about their personal experiences, as if you know "ALL" of them, is the real TOXIC.

Who are you, or anyone for that matter that gets to tell these men to be silent?

M.G.T.O.W have heard enough of the shut up, quit whining, suck it up and take it bullshit, and what's so funny/strange about it is the fact that the M.G.T.O.W philosophy isn't even advocating FIGHTING back, it's saying the exact opposite.
Yes... Men you've been wronged, and you can find a place to "TALK" about it. They don't want you to have even that small comfort. M.G.T.O.W know that no one gives a fuck about them, never did, and never will. They know society, and women will steamroll them to fill in a pothole with ZERO remorse, just so their drive will be smooth.

The M.G.T.O.W answer to that isn't FIGHTING, it's L E A V I N G !!! Getting out of the road. Not playing the game.

You have N O T H I N G to offer.

4 years ago

Consistency won't help with your ridiculous IDEAS, that FAIL in real life, and have caused millions of men to commit suicide.

M.G.T.O.W have heard all the shit you spread for their entire lives, from EVERY authority figure since childhood. Fathers, mothers, teachers, friends, movies, books, etc... etc... And THEN they watched what ACTUALY happens in the real world, and said to themselves... Wait a minute, all this fairy tale Disney bullshit that I've been told has been lies???

Then they asked the questions that TERRIFY people like you.

Why should I? What do I get out of it? What does it cost me? Is it really worth it? Who benefits from my labor?
Who benefits from my sacrifices? How does following an outdated male role benefit me in "TODAY'S" world? Are things/laws/systems really equal? If not, why should I support it with my WILLING labor? Etc...Etc...

Anti-M.G.T.O.W ideas are nothing new. Same old tired dried out turd with a new ribbon on it. They don't work for men, and in fact lead men to their deaths. Not that the Pharisees care much, as long as your fairy tale is protected in your mind, you'd sacrifice as many millions of men as it takes to protect your "Traditions." Evil blind guide.

4 years ago

I actually do think women can be part of the MGTOW community, when they are constantly being referred to as birthing people and chestfeeders. I think we're all sick of the psyops.

4 years ago

Women cannot be "MEN" going their own way. And I've heard MORE than enough from women telling men how to be better men. Not interested in hearing from any more women, even if they say they agree with M.G.T.O.W. I don't care I've heard too much already. Let them go be M.R.A. and leave me the fuck out of it. Women can't help M.G.T.O.W because there is no group to help. It's just ME living for my own best interests, with ZERO help from anyone. I've never met any other M.G.T.O.W in real life, don't want to, and if I did, I wouldn't acknowledge that I'd ever heard of it.

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