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MGTOW women infiltraiting mp4
• 06/09/20
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5 years ago
There's a lot of Tom leykis on jew tube
5 years ago
All woemen do is infect and destroy everything they touch.
5 years ago
Don’t let women join MGTOW.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
going mgtow can also be a deterrent for the younger and inexperienced, i do agree to an extent that some must learn what it is to be mgtow, but i wouldn't immediately push them out to make all the same mistakes as a right of passage. that kind of defeats the purpose don't you think?
i used to listen to Tom Leykis as well. and one of the many things i appreciated that he often said was to learn from other ppl's mistakes and not repeat the definition of insanity. there's simply no need, mgtow can be like a mentor-ship for up and coming men.
and is probably more beneficial for the manosphere in the long run, as many new men gravitate to it.
better to red pill them when they are young and innocent so they can better take on the world ahead in the case they ever get the urge to stray from the mgtow path.
5 years ago
5 years ago
MrHate vicious bro, did you meet some useless BLM rioters, on your way to work in Albuquerque?
If so always have a weapon on you bro.
Fuck those looters and rioters !!