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MHV gun control
• 06/14/22
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3 years ago
guns are also a good store of value and they beat inflation. I have never really seen someone lose money when they sold a gun. they typically at least hold the same price if it is sold soon after purchase, and when they are held for several years, they often turn a profit when they are sold, even older guns this holds true.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
so many good points made in this video. people that always say "HURR HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO FIGHT THE GOVT??!! THEY HAVE NUKES !?!?" These people are just very superficial in their thinking. The military is mostly a logistics operation. It takes an advanced and complex logistical team to field a tank onto the battlefield with consistency and reliability. Its even worse for a jet aircraft. For example it takes 15-17 hours of maintenance for 1 hour of flight time for an f16 fighter jet. For a tank, to use it properly think of all the materials you need, you need shells, diesel, (jet fuel for abrams I think), trained crew(costly, time consuming), a supply line, a trained and skilled maintenance team, etc. It is very complex and expensive to field these weapons in actuality. You can basically destroy the usefulness of the tank by simply disabling one of the tank crew members. You can prevent the tank from getting fuel or disable a vital part that is hard to replace to make the tank useless, capture the maintenance team, etc. Basically you have to consider the logistics needed to field the weapon and if you break the logistics you take down the military assets without even destroying it or killing people. just think about what goes into just producing the shells that go in the main cannon of a tank, you need numerous complex raw materials, a factory, trained people that know how to operate the machinery that assembles the shell, etc. A tank is not very dangerous if it has no shells. Essentially, the more complex and technologically advanced a military force is, the more complex its logistics are, and the more vulnerabilities there are to exploit. Just consider the expense, logistics, training, and maintenance in fielding a drone to attack a single person. the target really has to be worth it to utilize a drone because if the opposing force uses these resources too liberally they will wear their own capabilities down without even accomplishing anything. This is why military conflict almost always comes down to infantry fighting with rifles in the field. High tech military devices have there purpose however, it is limited in scope and limited in capabilities when combating a motivated guerilla force. Just look what happened in Vietnam and more recently Afghanistan
3 years ago
Mr. hate vicious, buy silver with your money, for your retirement !!
3 years ago
Look after yourself. Fuck everyone else. Let them die.