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MHV: pandemic amnesty
• 11/03/22
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2 years ago
12:40. That's one of the reasons I choose to be a lone ? wolf. VERY few people do I trust.
2 years ago
6:40. Actually those "vaccines" DO work. People (the low hanging fruit that were easy to deceive) are getting sick and/or dying, which was the whole idea. Those of us with eyes to see, and ears to hear saw this coming, while the lemmings and the mindless sheeple followed the matrix.
2 years ago
Friday 13th
2 years ago
After the trial for mass murder and the death sentence - these cunt should not even make it out the court room door to the gallows.
Because the traitors have tried to kill everyone in their own countries.
And the fucking liars are still at it.
2 years ago
ALL this crap has saved ME from removing all the CUNT's and CRAP from my life, because all the so called FRIENDs, those braimwashed CUNT's removed themselves from my life. NOW they are starting to crwal out of the swamp expecting ME to forgive? Where the fuck were they when I need a friend or help in the last 2 years. BUT no worries I've leraned many skills and things in that time alone. I can now service my own Motorcycle or anything house hold. I fix and repurpose shit because I can throw it out because the local dump require YOU to BOOK a slot to get rid of shit, so I re-purpose what I can and have other ways of getting rid of other shit. Being truly alone and ready for anything is the best fucking place to be these day's. so to all those former friends and other SCUM seaping out if the woodwork onto my Social media page? Well FUCK YOU, I'm NOT interested. Most of you CUNT's only used me for my abilities and a social tampon for you shit. Nah! not anymore.