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Microsoft Can Kiss My A** | Do You Own Your PC?
Microsoft Can Kiss My A** | Do You Own Your PC? <br> <br>Quick video covering the direction of Windows 11 to a locked down environment. Disagree or Agree? Let me know in the comments below. <br> <br>Download OnlyOffice : <br> <br>EBUZZ STORE: ??? <br>Ebuzz Central Store : <br> <br>JOIN THIS CHANNEL TO GET ACCESS TO PERKS: <br> <br> <br>WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ??? <br>Patreon: <br> <br>WANT TO BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE? ??? <br>Buy Me A Cup Of Coffee: <br> <br>WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ??? <br>PayPal : [email protected] <br> <br>FIND ME ON SOCIAL: <br>Twitter: <br>Facebook: <br>Linkedin: <br>MeWe:
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i don't have win 11 but i did get win 10 a few years back and it was a pain in the ass when the upgrade happened, but i will be moving to Linux soon enough, right now Linux is not bad for what it is currently, it's improved a shit load from the old days, and a lot of people are already making the move due to the gaming scene, so i fully expect that it will gain much more popularity soon enough due to lord Gaben and his steam machines.
i watched an interview with him talking about this very issue, and he absolutely hates Microsoft with a passion, so i expect the Linux machines will eventually gain a lot more support in the coming years, that is if we don't collapse and the whole great reset doesn't happen, who knows what's going to happen at this point, we are veering more and more to the movie ideocracy with how things been going.
but if Microsoft is making this move, i don't think a collapse is going to happen.
3 years ago
Glad I found your channel. Good stuff. First came total information awareness, now they are implementing total control of the information landscape using the data they've been harvesting. So This is just what they have coming down the pipe what good is encryption when the host device is compromised because of the very operating system required to run it.
3 years ago
3 years ago
If I could magically punch Bill Gates in the face and out the back of his head, I would.
He and his shithole company deserve to be royally fucked in the arse with a hand grenade.
3 years ago
I run Linux on my laptop (Arch) and Ubuntu on my phone. The only machine in my house running Windows is my custom built gaming rig. I really don't trust Apple or Google.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
So, how do you switch OS? Is there a certain phone you have to get?
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
I'm living in the Jurassic. Win7 and not willing to come to the future at all.
3 years ago