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Military Recruiting: USA vs. Russia | Grunt Speak Highlights
When you compare military recruitment videos from the US and Russia, you start to realize that our armed forces are becoming armed farces.
Watch the entire stream here:
#gruntspeaklive #armedfarces #usavsrussia
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3 years ago
You know that bitch doesn't do any of the tearing down or building up. She is a freaking stick. She sits on her ass while the guys do all the work, and probably sucks at her desk job too, while using blackmail to gain rank. WOMEN don't belong in the military!
4 years ago
When the barbarians breach the gate , and total war is upon them - "Mother" nature is going to kick in ( throwing all of that synthetic "masculinity" out) and every last empowered female Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Air-person will do what every female organism in Nature does - throw their respective asses to the enemy in hopes that they do not get slaughtered, and I think so how the left knows this.
3 years ago
4 years ago
The SJW military add - makes me want to do an Elvis and pour petrol over the TV and burn it....
It's so fucked that it should not even be allowed to be broadcast.
4 years ago
I spent 4th with family, I met a female 11B, we are screwed, she was all of 5ft, she is stationed at Popps old stomping ground, Ft Lewis, all I can say, there is no standards
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
I like a weak military and I say for the national anthem for the first time and my friends were kinda like wtf but ehhh a freedom loving america is gone